
Rafaella Braconi schrieb:
> On 11/24/08 20:52, sophie wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> On my way to try to bring a better documentation for QA of l10n builds,
>> I find a page that seems to be complete to my eyes :
>> http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/NLC/localizedQA
>> Please don't hesitate to tell what is missing to your eyes or add it
>> directly to the wiki.
>> Concerning TCM, may be we can add a wish list on this page
>> http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Test_Case_Management
> Thank you, Sophie, that sounds really good.
> BTW, there is a newer version of TCM available, still need to find out
> the differences between the current and the new to see if we would
> benefit to switch to a newer version. Having a wishlist would help
> comparing the current TCM and the TCM2.

Two things would be very impotant for me.

The TCM shows the issue numbers for known issues also if there are fixed
or closed.
So every time we have to look for the same issue :/

the second:
There is a memo field where the tester can do remarks. But in the next
round this field is empty again.

These fields can also be used for the informations found to the issues.

>> and further the discussion here about our concerns (or on l10n-tools@
>> for Pavels concerns ;-). Once we are ok, I'll open an issue in IZ, may
>> be we will be able to get a better tool :-)

Kind regards


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