Dear All,

based on a request from the Japanese team :-) , I am writing you some information about the Developer's, Basic and Administration Guides.

They are available at:

Whereas the Developer's Guide is available in Simplified Chinese (great work from the Chinese Team!), The Admin and Basic Guide are available in Simplified Chinese, Japanese and French. The Japanese Team has asked if they could start reviewing the Basic Guide and what would be the best procedure.

I am opening the relative information to you all, so that in case of interest you can follow up and contribute to the discussion.

For the above guides if you wish you can contribute to linguistic review, content review and to update the content to reflect the latest updates. There is no translation work going on and - as I have been told - there have been a few changes in the Admin Guide. In case of interest, what you need to do is to talk to your native-language team to make sure to coordinate the work with the other team members.

In case some team would like to start translating one of the guide the basics are:

1. Let the doc community know that a translation is starting -
especially if it's a new language being translated to.
2. Follow the
structure when creating new translated pages of the English original
content. If translating TO English from another source language, we
will have to manage that separately.
3. Add the IntraWiki links for translated pages - this process can be
handled/explained when a new translation is announced.
4. The associated templates will need to be translated along with the
main document text (particularly any TOC templates - the Master TOC
template is translated once per language and the book specific template
is translated per book).

Other than that, you should be able to do the translations in whatever
process you prefer... as long as the pages posted back to the Wiki
match the structure of the English one for consistency.

If any questions, please do not hesitate to ask!

Kind Regards,

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