Il mercoledì 8 aprile 2009 21:21:52 sophie ha scritto:
> Hi Paolo,
> Paolo Pozzan wrote:
> > Hello,
> > an italian tester reported a wrong Calc function translation in OOo 3.1
> > RC. This is because a translation fault, nothing related to the l10n
> > process.
> >
> > I just want to know if there is enough time to fix it, as it would be
> > very uncomfortable for users to find a function with a wrong name.
> > If yes, what are the things we need to do?
> If it may help, here is what I would do: submit an issue and provide the
> correction only through a .sdf file assigned to Ivo with Rafealla and
> Franck in CC. Inform the list that it is a
> stopper and why it is so.
> However, you should also evaluate the risk to submit translation changes
> now and evaluate if this is a largely used function or only used by a
> small range of users.
> We (German and French currently) will try to have some localization
> fixes commit to 3.1.1. Speaking for my language, I also have a function
> translation error (two statistical functions display the same name) but
> I don't evaluate it as a stopper considering the number of users
> concerned and a workaround is available however I would like to have it
> corrected as soon as possible.
> Because we have had a very very short time to check the cws release due
> to integration and other issues, I think we should have a chance to get
> this corrections commited  even if it's a release out of the
> localization process.

Thank you Sophie for your prompt reply.
After some discussions we decided to (try to) fix them for 3.1: there is not 
only one error and they affect very common functions.
Can you point me what file I need to use as a starting point?
I always managed l10n process with pootle and I don't know where to find the 
sdf file for OOO310_m9.
Merci beaucoup!


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