
     My name is Eduardo and i write from Brazil.
     I found a pretty cool document about TCO of StarOffice, OpenOffice and
MS Office 2007 at Sun website.
     Your date of publish is recent (January 2009) and mentions Windows
Vista while S.O.
     This document is available at
     But while i was reading, i perheaps your license:

     *"... This product or document is protected by copyright and
distributed under licenses restricting its use, copying, distribution, and
decompilation. No part of this **product or document may be reproduced in
any form by any means without prior written authorization of Sun and its
licensors, if any..."*

     I can translate this document to Porthguese-Brasil (pt_Br)? How can I
get permission to translate and distribute the text in pt_Br?
     If i do, how I should proceed?
     This document would very, very important to disclose the exchange of MS
Office to OpenOffice here, im Brazil.

*(Sorry for the mistakes in email. My English is not so good.)*

Eduardo Alexandre

* LDP-BR - Projeto Brasileiro de Documentação e Tradução do Linux. Visite
http://br.tldp.org e conheça.
* Use BrOffice.org para fazer seus textos e planilhas. Baixe gratuitamente
em http://www.broffice.org/download.
* Conheça o Blog Tecnologia e Fé. http://tecnologiaefe.alexsite.com.br.

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