Hi native language communities and esp. the WebContent developers among you!

I recently stumbled over a few filenames in OpenOffice.org's webcontent which have invalid non-UTF-8 characters in their filenames.

The character encoding to be used for webconent checked into OpenOffice.org´s webcontent CVS repository is UTF-8. Please make sure to use an UTF-8 locale when checking in files with non-us-AscII chars. For example if you are in france and are using some Unix OS set LANG=fr.UTF-8 and not LANG=fr.ISO8859-15. GUI CVS Clients used on Windows often allow to specify the encoding to be used explicitly.

Filenames with other encodings will not work and what is even worse they do create a big problem when moving OpenOffice.org to the new kenai based infrastructure.
While CVS does not care much about invalid chars in filenames subversion which will be used on the new infrastructure does treat those filenames as errornous and as a result will not import the whole project at all.

Could native language projects webcontent developers please review their webcontent and change anything that is currently not UTF-8 compliant. And that means not only to copy the broken files to new valid ones but also deleting the broken filenames from the CVS repository!

For example there are 2 broken directory names in fr/www/Documentation/Gallery starting with the letters "fl" and than some non UTF-8 encoded char.

Kind regards,
Bernd Eilers

Bernd Eilers | Software Engineer
Phone: +49 40 23 646 967

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