No we excluded fuzzy-translation.

On 04.01.2011 11:04, Branislav Klocok wrote:
So to make it clear the po files from pootle are converted to gsi couple of days before the build is on ftp://qa-

This information is important for me to estimates and inform our testers what work is included.

One more question. Are the fuzzy translations included in the gsi?

Dňa Ut 4. Január 2011 Frank Mau napísal (On Ut 4. Január 2011 Frank Mau wrote):
Hi Branislav,
the process starts when the next milestone is available. So just in
case the m96-l10n-build should start at 2010-12-22/23
automatically, but in detail afaik there was a stopper, so the
build was re-started yesterday. The guys are working on it,
apologize. Same for the Pootle-update to m96. The related
en-US.sdf file was corrupted and re-delivered yesterday too.

Important: So we have an update today to m96!!!


On 04.01.2011 10:08, Branislav Klocok wrote:
Dňa Po 3. Január 2011 Frank Mau napísal (On Po 3. Január 2011

Mau wrote):
Pls. note that you can download the latest l10n-build from These
builds are  out-coming from the cont. l10n process.
Hello Frank, do you know when the po files from pootle were
converted to gsi files to create the builds located here:

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