
On 05.03.2011 02:15, Anton Meixome wrote:
2011/3/4 Stefan Taxhet<stefan.tax...@oracle.com>:
On 25.02.2011 02:14, Anton Meixome wrote:

Yeah, I know these but I can't edit the project owner "susinho". I
though that the project-owner role it was important in accesibility
terms... and also in pure informational perspective for my community.

The page said
«The owner of this project. Only current owner or site admin can change this. »

I'm administrator but I can't fix this error. Former coordinator Suso
Baleato (susinho) is not active in the lists since a year ago. He is
in another country. I can contact him very excepcionally times. Can
you help to update this date?

I changed this entry to "meixome".


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