Hi Kevin,

Jatorrizko mezua: az., 2011-05-18 12:29 -0500, egilea: Kevin Scannell
> On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 2:57 AM, dooteo <doo...@euskalgnu.org> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I thought you automatically activate Pootle for all translated languages
> > as OOo project will not accept SDF via issues. Even I cannot understand
> > the main reason to take that way, and as I said I prefer to translate on
> > local and send SDF file via Issuezilla, I will need to use Pootle for
> > Basque lang.
> >
> Wait, is this true? I thought we were able to specify a stable URL for
> an SDF file and builds would be generated from that as part of the
> "Continuous l10n" process?

Are you sure SDF will be fetched from a stable URL? I didn't read
nothing about that. Just about download SDFs from Pavel Janick Ftp, it
means PJ site has SDFs for some languages, but not all. See [1]

Otherwise, if you had a SDF in your own web/ftp server, I not sure
'Continuous l10n' will get it from there. If this process will catch SDF
from servers like yours, Pootle wont be a unique way to translate OOo.

Please, is somebody at home to clarify our doubts?

Thanks and best regards,



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