
While that's nice, that mostly misses the point of imacat's and my earlier question.

Let me put it this way, neither imacat nor me are interested in the politics of what may or may not be going on. All we want to know is when Pootle is coming back (if), or if any more systems are expected to go down.

If the outlook is not good, then how are people who were working on Pootle going to get a hold of the translation work done so far?

Whatever the argument or problem, it's not fair to take that out on the volunteer translators who just want to ensure their locales have an office suite.


31/05/2011 08:43, sgrìobh Mathias Bauer:

On 31.05.2011 02:39, imacat wrote:
Dear all,

     It seems OOo Pootle has been down for a week.  Is there any news on
this?  Now mercurial source server is down, too.  Will OOo binary
archive be shut down, too? seems to be O.K.


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