Dear all,

I'm trying to create a new message to send with Sandesh protocol, however I don't know how to compile the generated code. We intend to use this messaging for testing purposes (at the moment) by means of an extra application which will send Sandesh messages each second.

I have found the following explaination for the compilation with Scons:
  To use Sandesh, the following needs to be added to the module SConscript:
  # Generate the source files
  SandeshGenFiles  = env.SandeshGenCpp('VNS.sandesh')
  SandeshGenFiles += env.SandeshGenCpp('VNSwitch.sandesh')

  # The above returns VNS_types.h, VNS_types.cpp, VNS_constants.h
  # VNS_constants.cpp, VNSwitch_types.h, VNSwitch_types.cpp,
  # VNSwitch_constants.h, VNSwitch_constants.cpp

  # To include the header files above from your module's sources
  env.Append(CPPPATH = env['TOP'])

  # Extract the .cpp files to be used as sources
  SandeshGenSrcs = env.ExtractCpp(SandeshGenFiles)

  Add SandeshGenSrcs to the module source files

  Add libsandesh, and libbase to the module libraries.

However I don't really get what's going on (I'm new to Scons). I tried to copy the SConscript of the control module and adapt it but without results.

Can anyone help me?

Best Regards,

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