You can try rerunning the install with -vv to get additional debug

What OS and version on Ansible are you using?

On Apr 10, 2018, at 3:24 AM, Yu Wei <> wrote:

I tried to install openshift origin 3.9 on a single machine and encountered
problems as below,

*TASK [openshift_node : Install Node package, sdn-ovs, conntrack packages]
fatal: [host-10-1-241-74]: FAILED! => {"msg": "|failed expects a string or
unicode"}     to retry, use: --limit
@/root/jared/openshift-ansible/playbooks/deploy_cluster.retry PLAY RECAP
host-10-1-241-74           : ok=326  changed=41   unreachable=0
failed=1    localhost                  : ok=13   changed=0
unreachable=0    failed=0    INSTALLER STATUS
Initialization             : Complete (0:00:43) Health Check
: Complete (0:00:05) etcd Install               : Complete (0:00:58) Master
Install             : Complete (0:05:03) Master Additional Install  :
Complete (0:00:48) Node Install               : In Progress (0:00:38)
 This phase can be restarted by running:
playbooks/openshift-node/config.yml Failure summary:   1. Hosts:
host-10-1-241-74      Play:     Configure containerized nodes
Task:     Install Node package, sdn-ovs, conntrack packages      Message:
|failed expects a string or unicode*

I didn't find useful information in docker / journal logs.
How could I fix this problem further?


Jared, (韦煜)
Software developer
Interested in open source software, big data, Linux

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