
We have an OKD setup over multiple DCs. Each DC has its own subnet (e.g.: and We want each project to have its own ip. 
And of course we want the project to be able to still reach other services even 
if we lose a DC. Thus what we had in mind was to do the following:

oc new-project test

oc patch hostsubnet node-1.dc1.com -p '{"egressCIDRs": [""]}'
oc patch hostsubnet node-2.dc2.com -p '{"egressCIDRs": [""]}'

oc patch netnamespace test -p '{"egressIPs": ["",""]}'

With the understanding that the first IP would be assigned to node-1.dc1.com 
and the second ip would be assigned to node-2.dc2.com. Thus if we lose a zone 
traffic could still go through.

However when we specify multiple IPs none are actually getting assigned. We 
found this resolved issue: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1633574 
that seems to point that the expected behavior is to not assign any ip.

As I understand it, right now if we want to use automatic Egress IPs we can 
only have one IP which is this correct ?

Jocelyn Thode
dev mailing list

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