On Wed, 4 May 2016 18:24:02 -0300
André Silva <emulator...@riseup.net> wrote:

> In my opinion, i prefer the new one for package/multimedia hosting and
> the old one for website/labs/git/revision controls for multimedia.
> What do you think?
The new one seem safer. It seems a good idea to use it to host security
critical infrastructure on it.

I remember the old one being a vm in a shared hosting that we cannot
really trust. I don't see what could prevent the host from having
access to the VM RAM[1].

[1] Unless the code is run unmodified, inside the CPU and its
    cache, that the RAM is encrypted. We don't take into account
    malicious SMM or the management engine as it's probably almost the
    same with the new hardware.


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