El 12/06/18 a las 15:36, Luke Shumaker escribió:
> Hi all,
> Because Mesa was a point of contention last year, I'm publicly
> discussing this here.
> I've unblacklisted extra/mesa, and am going to remove libre/mesa.  The
> differences are:
>  - libre/mesa said "free" instead of "open-source" in pkgdesc
>  - libre/mesa removed most everything from /etc/drirc
> The reason libre/mesa existed (or continued to exist after 2017-03) is
> because: /etc/drirc configures workarounds for specific buggy
> applications, and the stock file from upstream is a growing database
> of them.  Most of these end up being proprietary applications, since
> free applications get patched, rather than needing workarounds in the
> graphics driver.
> Emulatorman had considered these references to non-free programs to be
> significant enough to warrant repackaging it.
> I disagree, I don't believe the collection of workarounds in
> /etc/drirc to be a freedom problem.  It isn't *trying* to load them
> (like Linux might with non-free blobs).  The user won't be confused in
> to thinking something is wrong if the non-free thing isn't installed.


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