On Thu, Mar 29, 2018 at 1:22 AM, Alan Pevec <ape...@redhat.com> wrote:

> > - Identify which projects we have had troubles in the past months and
> that
> > we are not automatically testing when new versions bump up (OVS? Ceph?
> etc)
> > - For these projects, how could we either 1) import them in delorean and
> Pretty please s/delorean/RDO Trunk/
> DLRN is a tool, RDO Trunk are the repos built by it.
> (see Alfredo's blog series starting with [1] for the introduction to RDO
> repos)
> > automatically bump them at each new tag, with proper CI job in place or
> 2)
> > have a repo that is nightly build from imports on latest tags available
> from
> > their upstream repos), and have periodic jobs that test these bits.
> Upstream trunk chasing requires involvement from the people working
> closely in that upstream project,
> and reality is that e.g. even for OpenStack projects FTBFs in RDO
> Trunk are fixed by CI and infra teams most of the time.
> Until we have clear buy-in from subject-matter-experts, we cannot add
> a project directly to the trunk chase.
> There could a compromise, read on.
> > What I like with 1) is that we can easily test them independently (e.g. a
> > new version of OVS) versus all together in 2) (a new version of OVS + a
> new
> > version of MariaDB, etc).
> For OVS specifically, Javier and I looked it and opened a story for
> DLRN support [2]
> tl;dr project would be in rdoinfo but pinned and every pin update
> would be gated by rdoinfo CI
> Open questions are which CI jobs give good enough coverage while not
> too expense (hint: running full TripleO CI is NOT answer).
> This would avoid limit amount of racing against upstream master as pin
> updates would be proposed by the interested person who would then own
> it until it works and passes gate.
> Note this is all for the OpenStack/RDO release in _development_ i.e.
> master CI, for stable releases we would use stable release of
> dependencies, ideally built and released in the CentOS SIG repos
> i.e. Ceph from Storage SIG (this is the case now), OVS from NFV SIG
> (not the case now), Ansible from ConfigManagement SIG (not the case
> now) ...
> > Which leads to my second question... how are going to ship Ansible.
> > I talked with Sam Doran (in cc) today and it seems like in the near
> future
> > Ansible would be shipped via releases.ansible.com or EPE (and not from
> CentOS Extras anymore).
> Ansible RPMs are already there
> http://releases.ansible.com/ansible/rpm/release/epel-7-x86_64/
> but they depend on EPEL for additional deps. To make it work in CentOS
> SIG ecosystem, we need them rebuilt and released in the appropriate
> SIG.
> > So here are the questions:
> >
> > 1) How are we going to test new versions of Ansible in RDO CI context?
> > 2) Where should we ship it? Back in my proposal, would it make sense to
> > import Ansible in RDO and gate each bump (proposal #1) or take upstream,
> put
> > in a deps repo (as we have current I believe) and test it with a
> periodic jobs among other new deps.
> Ansible is not in deps repo, we are getting it from Extras.
> NB there are multiple Ansibles in the CI context: Zuul/softwarefactory
> is pinned to an older version and pypi installed and the same is
> tripleo-quickstart (ideally those would use RPM Ansible but that's a
> separate discussion).
> Ansible RPM is only used by tripleo itself and it is currently coming
> from Extras where latest version is 2.4.2 [3] and I saw requests to
> get newer.
> For master we could try the same plan as OVS above, for stable
> releases I'd ask Ansible team to get involved with ConfigManagement
> SIG.

I volunteer to step-up and eventually pair with Sam Doran if he's ok to be
the liaison for this effort.
We could be the maintainers of Ansible package in RDO, and collaborate
between both communities since together we would represent both communities.

Sam what do you think?

> BTW ideal approach would be to insert OpenStack use-cases into Ansible
> upstream CI and make it voting, this could become reality with
> cross-project CI efforts lead by openstack-infra. With that, Ansible
> master would never break us!

Yes, we have had this discussion at the PTG with ceph-ansible, and ansible
itself as well. I think it's a bit too much for Ansible community to run a
tripleo CI job (even if technically possible thanks to zuul v3). I'm more
interested by gating the version bumps in RDO and keeping short feedback
loop between both communities. In my experience, this worked pretty well
(versus the other proposal which is to run tripleo in their CI jobs...).
Emilien Macchi
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