
I know the ceph repo is in progress.
TripleO / RDO is not releasing opendaylight

Can the RDO team comment on the rest of the missing packages here please?

Thank you!!

 NOTE(mgoddard): Mark images with missing dependencies as unbuildable for
    # CentOS 8.
    'centos8': {
        "barbican-api",          # Missing uwsgi-plugin-python3
        "ceph-base",             # Missing Ceph repo
        "cinder-base",           # Missing Ceph repo
        "collectd",              # Missing collectd-ping and
                                 # collectd-sensubility packages
        "elasticsearch",         # Missing elasticsearch repo
        "etcd",                  # Missing etcd package
        "fluentd",               # Missing td-agent repo
        "glance-base",           # Missing Ceph repo
        "gnocchi-base",          # Missing Ceph repo
        "hacluster-base",        # Missing hacluster repo
        "ironic-conductor",      # Missing shellinabox package
        "kibana",                # Missing elasticsearch repo
        "manila-share",          # Missing Ceph repo
        "mongodb",               # Missing mongodb and mongodb-server
        "monasca-grafana",       # Using python2
        "nova-compute",          # Missing Ceph repo
        "nova-libvirt",          # Missing Ceph repo
        "nova-spicehtml5proxy",  # Missing spicehtml5 package
        "opendaylight",          # Missing opendaylight repo
        "ovsdpdk",               # Not supported on CentOS
        "sensu-base",            # Missing sensu package
        "tgtd",                  # Not supported on CentOS 8

    'centos8+source': {
        "barbican-base",         # Missing uwsgi-plugin-python3
        "bifrost-base",          # Bifrost does not support CentOS 8
        "cyborg-agent",          # opae-sdk does not support CentOS 8
        "freezer-base",          # Missing package trickle
        "masakari-monitors",     # Missing hacluster repo
        "zun-compute",           # Missing Ceph repo
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