Hello, all -

Sending an e-mail on this instead of posting a Taiga issue, as I'm not sure
how many of the folks interested in dev are utilizing Taiga at the moment.
I can always add an issue later on, if need be.

During my adventures of troubleshooting the discourse-sso branch, I tried
to access GHCi using both "./build.sh ghci" and "stack ghci".  Neither of
them fully loaded the website as I anticipated, which made my debugging and
type investigations much harder.  I ultimately fumbled through it,
especially with singpolyma's help (thanks again, btw!), but it flustered me
to have the issues.

So, I'm trying to look into why we're having issues with it.  It appears
that there are cabal settings for run-persist & crowdmatch that are causing
these to not compile when utilizing GHCi:

* * * * * * * * **
*Warning: There are cabal settings for this project which may prevent GHCi
from loading your code properly.*
*In some cases it can also load some projects which would otherwise fail to

*-XNoImplicitPrelude will be used, but GHCi will likely fail to build
things which depend on the implicit prelude.*
*It is specified for:*
*    Snowdrift:lib*
*But not for:*
*    crowdmatch:lib run-persist:lib Snowdrift:exe:Snowdrift*

*-XTemplateHaskell will be used, but it may cause compilation issues due to
different parsing of '$' when there's no space after it.*
*It is specified for:*
*    Snowdrift:lib*
*But not for:*
*    crowdmatch:lib run-persist:lib Snowdrift:exe:Snowdrift*

*-XQuasiQuotes will be used, but it may cause parse failures due to a
different meaning for list comprehension syntax like [x| ... ]*
*It is specified for:*
*    Snowdrift:lib*
*But not for:*
*    crowdmatch:lib run-persist:lib Snowdrift:exe:Snowdrift*

*-XOverloadedStrings will be used, but it can cause type ambiguity in code
not usually compiled with it.*
*It is specified for:*
*    Snowdrift:lib*
*But not for:*
*    crowdmatch:lib run-persist:lib Snowdrift:exe:Snowdrift*

*-XTypeFamilies will be used, but it implies -XMonoLocalBinds, and so can
cause type errors in code which expects generalized local bindings.*
*It is specified for:*
*    Snowdrift:lib*
*But not for:*
*    crowdmatch:lib run-persist:lib Snowdrift:exe:Snowdrift*

*-XGADTs will be used, but it implies -XMonoLocalBinds, and so can cause
type errors in code whichexpects generalized local bindings.*
*It is specified for:*
*    Snowdrift:lib*
*But not for:*
*    crowdmatch:lib run-persist:lib Snowdrift:exe:Snowdrift*

*To resolve, remove the flag(s) from the cabal file(s) and instead put them
at the top of the haskell files.*

*It isn't yet possible to load multiple packages into GHCi in all cases -
** * * * * * * **

*The following GHC options are incompatible with GHCi and have not been
passed to it: -threaded*
*Configuring GHCi with the following packages: crowdmatch, run-persist,
*Using main module: 1. Package `Snowdrift' component exe:Snowdrift with
main-is file: /share/programs/snowdrift/website/app/main.hs*
*GHCi, version 7.10.3: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/
<http://www.haskell.org/ghc/>  :? for help*

I'll forgo the actual compiler errors for now, because they all relate to
the above warning messages.  Suffice it to say, there are many pages of
compiler errors and most relate to common types & functions typically found
in Prelude.

Not really knowing these two packages really well and cabal settings even
less, I hesitate to monkey around with these, but at the same time, I'd
really like to be able to utilize GHCi to help with figuring out issues
with code.

Would someone with more Haskell expertise be willing to dive in and see if
they can fix the issue, or at least give me ideas of what I might be able
to try to resolve the issues?


- Jason
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