From: fr33domlover <>

 website/Snowdrift.cabal       | 12 +++++++-----
 website/test/AlertsSpec.hs    |  6 +++---
 website/test/AuthSiteSpec.hs  |  8 ++++----
 website/test/DiscourseSpec.hs | 35 ++++++++++++++++-------------------
 website/test/HandlerSpec.hs   |  6 +++---
 website/test/SampleSpec.hs    |  6 +++---
 website/test/Spec.hs          |  1 -
 website/test/StripeMock.hs    |  2 +-
 website/test/Tasty.hs         |  1 +
 website/test/TestImport.hs    |  4 ++--
 10 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 website/test/Spec.hs
 create mode 100644 website/test/Tasty.hs

diff --git a/website/Snowdrift.cabal b/website/Snowdrift.cabal
index 1f1ffc5..c7be912 100644
--- a/website/Snowdrift.cabal
+++ b/website/Snowdrift.cabal
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ executable Snowdrift
 -- test-suite test {{{1
 test-suite test
     type:           exitcode-stdio-1.0
-    main-is:        Spec.hs
+    main-is:        Tasty.hs
     hs-source-dirs: test
     ghc-options:    -Wall
@@ -178,24 +178,26 @@ test-suite test
     -- build-depends {{{2
-        -- For htmlHasLink (should move upstream)
-        , HUnit >=
         , base
         , bytestring
         , classy-prelude
         , classy-prelude-yesod
         , cryptonite
-        , hspec >= 2.0.0
         , http-types
         , memory
         , persistent
         , persistent-postgresql
         , postgresql-simple
-        , QuickCheck
         , quickcheck-text
         , shakespeare
         , stripe-core
         , stripe-haskell
+        , tasty
+        , tasty-discover
+        -- For htmlHasLink (should move upstream)
+        , tasty-hunit
+        , tasty-hspec
+        , tasty-quickcheck
         , text >=
         , wai-extra
         , yesod
diff --git a/website/test/AlertsSpec.hs b/website/test/AlertsSpec.hs
index 62235e8..cf0d9c5 100644
--- a/website/test/AlertsSpec.hs
+++ b/website/test/AlertsSpec.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-module AlertsSpec (spec) where
+module AlertsSpec (spec_alerts) where
 import TestImport
 import Alerts
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ alertSite = LiteApp go
 withAlertSite :: SpecWith (TestApp LiteApp) -> Spec
 withAlertSite = before $ pure (alertSite, id)
-spec :: Spec
-spec = withAlertSite $
+spec_alerts :: Spec
+spec_alerts = withAlertSite $
     it "adds an alert" $ do
         get getR
         htmlCount ".alert" 0
diff --git a/website/test/AuthSiteSpec.hs b/website/test/AuthSiteSpec.hs
index e962fce..a251a9e 100644
--- a/website/test/AuthSiteSpec.hs
+++ b/website/test/AuthSiteSpec.hs
@@ -4,13 +4,13 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds #-}
-module AuthSiteSpec (spec) where
+module AuthSiteSpec (spec_authSite) where
 import TestImport hiding (Handler)
 import Database.Persist.Sql hiding (get)
 import Database.Persist.Postgresql (pgConnStr)
 import Network.Wai.Test (SResponse(..))
-import Test.HUnit (assertBool)
+import Test.Tasty.HUnit (assertBool)
 import Yesod hiding (get)
 import Yesod.Default.Config2 (ignoreEnv, loadYamlSettings)
 import qualified Data.Text as T
@@ -171,8 +171,8 @@ withBob = beforeWith makeBob
 -- ** The actual tests!
-spec :: Spec
-spec = mainSpecs >> authRouteSpec
+spec_authSite :: Spec
+spec_authSite = mainSpecs >> authRouteSpec
 -- | Having this defined separately is clumsy. It should be moved back into
 -- the right spot. The problem is that it needs a different value of
diff --git a/website/test/DiscourseSpec.hs b/website/test/DiscourseSpec.hs
index f00c084..e4cc0b0 100644
--- a/website/test/DiscourseSpec.hs
+++ b/website/test/DiscourseSpec.hs
@@ -13,30 +13,27 @@ import Crypto.MAC.HMAC (HMAC, hmac)
 import Data.ByteArray (ByteArray, ByteArrayAccess)
 import Data.ByteArray.Encoding (Base(Base16, Base64URLUnpadded), convertToBase)
 import Data.Text.Arbitrary ()
-import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck (prop)
-import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary, arbitrary, choose, oneof, vectorOf, 
+import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck (Arbitrary, arbitrary, choose, oneof, vectorOf, 
 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as Char8
 {-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Reduce duplication" :: String) #-}
-spec :: Spec
-spec = do
-    prop "validateSig" $ \(NonEmpty secret) (NonEmpty payload) -> do
-        let secret' = pack secret
-            payload' = pack payload
-        validateSig (DiscourseSecret secret') payload'
-            (base16 (hmac secret' payload' :: HMAC SHA256))
-    prop "parsePayload" $ \(Nonce nonce) (Url url) -> do
-        let payload = "nonce=" <> nonce <> "&return_sso_url=" <> encodeUtf8 url
-        parsePayload (base64 payload)
-            `shouldBe`
-            Right DiscoursePayload
-                    { dpNonce = nonce
-                    , dpUrl   = url
-                    }
+prop_validateSig (NonEmpty secret) (NonEmpty payload) = do
+    let secret' = pack secret
+        payload' = pack payload
+    validateSig (DiscourseSecret secret') payload'
+        (base16 (hmac secret' payload' :: HMAC SHA256))
+prop_parsePayload (Nonce nonce) (Url url) = do
+    let payload = "nonce=" <> nonce <> "&return_sso_url=" <> encodeUtf8 url
+    parsePayload (base64 payload)
+        `shouldBe`
+        Right DiscoursePayload
+                { dpNonce = nonce
+                , dpUrl   = url
+                }
 -- 16 bytes of [0-9A-F]
 newtype Nonce
diff --git a/website/test/HandlerSpec.hs b/website/test/HandlerSpec.hs
index 5a537fb..12d9f39 100644
--- a/website/test/HandlerSpec.hs
+++ b/website/test/HandlerSpec.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-module HandlerSpec (spec) where
+module HandlerSpec (spec_handler) where
 import TestImport
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ import Network.Wai.Test (SResponse(..))
 {-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Reduce duplication" :: String) #-}
-spec :: Spec
-spec = withApp $ do
+spec_handler :: Spec
+spec_handler = withApp $ do
     describe "getRobotsR" getRobotsSpec
     describe "getFaviconR" getFaviconSpec
     describe "getWelcomeR" getWelcomeSpec
diff --git a/website/test/SampleSpec.hs b/website/test/SampleSpec.hs
index c95170e..35971d6 100644
--- a/website/test/SampleSpec.hs
+++ b/website/test/SampleSpec.hs
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-module SampleSpec (spec) where
+module SampleSpec (spec_sample) where
 import TestImport
-spec :: Spec
-spec = withApp $ do
+spec_sample :: Spec
+spec_sample = withApp $ do
     describe "various properties" $ do
         it "/home links to /privacy and /terms" $ do
             get WelcomeR
diff --git a/website/test/Spec.hs b/website/test/Spec.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index a824f8c..0000000
--- a/website/test/Spec.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -F -pgmF hspec-discover #-}
diff --git a/website/test/StripeMock.hs b/website/test/StripeMock.hs
index 23c5b8a..51ffb86 100644
--- a/website/test/StripeMock.hs
+++ b/website/test/StripeMock.hs
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import ClassyPrelude.Yesod hiding (method)
 import Data.Typeable
 import Web.Stripe
 import Web.Stripe.Error
-import Test.Hspec (shouldBe)
+import Test.Tasty.Hspec (shouldBe)
 data StripeMockEffects
     = forall a. Typeable (StripeReturn a)
diff --git a/website/test/Tasty.hs b/website/test/Tasty.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70c55f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/test/Tasty.hs
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -F -pgmF tasty-discover #-}
diff --git a/website/test/TestImport.hs b/website/test/TestImport.hs
index ccce560..a452a66 100644
--- a/website/test/TestImport.hs
+++ b/website/test/TestImport.hs
@@ -10,14 +10,14 @@ import Database.Persist.Postgresql (pgConnStr, 
 import Foundation as X
 import Network.HTTP.Types (Status(..))
 import Network.Wai.Test (SResponse(..))
-import Test.Hspec as X
+import Test.Tasty.Hspec as X
 import Yesod.Default.Config2 (ignoreEnv, loadYamlSettings)
 import Yesod.Test as X
 import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
 import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple as PG
 -- For htmlHasLink
-import Test.HUnit
+import Test.Tasty.HUnit
 import Yesod.Core
 import Application (makeFoundation, makeLogWare)

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