From: fr33domlover <>

 crowdmatch/crowdmatch.cabal        |  3 ++-
 crowdmatch/src/Crowdmatch.hs       | 32 +++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 website/src/AppDataTypes.hs        |  6 ++----
 website/src/Handler/PaymentInfo.hs | 11 ++---------
 website/src/Handler/Util.hs        | 14 ++++++++++----
 5 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)

diff --git a/crowdmatch/crowdmatch.cabal b/crowdmatch/crowdmatch.cabal
index d378766..2c602f1 100644
--- a/crowdmatch/crowdmatch.cabal
+++ b/crowdmatch/crowdmatch.cabal
@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ library
     hs-source-dirs: src
     default-language: Haskell2010
-        base >=4.8 && <4.9
+          aeson
+        , base >=4.8 && <4.9
         , bytestring >=
         , errors
         , lens
diff --git a/crowdmatch/src/Crowdmatch.hs b/crowdmatch/src/Crowdmatch.hs
index fe61387..ad0489c 100644
--- a/crowdmatch/src/Crowdmatch.hs
+++ b/crowdmatch/src/Crowdmatch.hs
@@ -14,7 +14,9 @@ module Crowdmatch (
         , SqlRunner
         -- * Interface with stripe
+        , StripeClient
         , StripeRunner
+        , runStripeWith
         , runStripe
         -- * Store/delete payment tokens
@@ -58,10 +60,12 @@ import Control.Error (ExceptT(..), runExceptT, note)
 import Control.Lens ((^.), from, view, Iso', iso)
 import Control.Monad (void)
 import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
+import Data.Aeson (FromJSON)
 import Data.Function (on)
 import Data.Int (Int32)
 import Data.Ratio
 import Data.Time (UTCTime, getCurrentTime, utctDay)
+import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
 import Database.Persist
 import Database.Persist.Sql (SqlPersistT)
 import System.IO
@@ -73,6 +77,7 @@ import Web.Stripe.Customer
         , createCustomer
         , deleteCustomer)
 import Web.Stripe.Error (StripeError)
+import Web.Stripe.StripeRequest (StripeRequest, StripeReturn)
 import Crowdmatch.Model hiding (Patron(..))
 import qualified Crowdmatch.Model as Model
@@ -87,6 +92,10 @@ import qualified Crowdmatch.Skeleton as Skeleton
 -- | A method that runs 'SqlPersistT' values in your environment.
 type SqlRunner io env = forall a. SqlPersistT io a -> env a
+type StripeClient = forall a.
+    (Typeable (StripeReturn a), FromJSON (StripeReturn a)) =>
+    StripeConfig -> StripeRequest a -> IO (Either StripeError (StripeReturn a))
 -- | A method that runs 'StripeI' instructions in IO. A default that uses
 -- 'stripe' is provided by 'runStripe'.
 type StripeRunner = forall io.
@@ -441,20 +450,19 @@ data StripeI a where
     ChargeCustomerI :: CustomerId -> Cents -> StripeI Charge
     BalanceTransactionI :: TransactionId -> StripeI BalanceTransaction
--- | A default stripe runner
     :: MonadIO io
-    => StripeConfig -> StripeI a -> io (Either StripeError a)
-runStripe c = \case
+    => StripeClient -> StripeConfig -> StripeI a -> io (Either StripeError a)
+runStripeWith strp c = \case
     CreateCustomerI cardToken ->
-        liftIO (stripe c (createCustomer -&- cardToken))
+        liftIO (strp c (createCustomer -&- cardToken))
     UpdateCustomerI cardToken cust ->
-        liftIO (stripe c (updateCustomer cust -&- cardToken))
+        liftIO (strp c (updateCustomer cust -&- cardToken))
     DeleteCustomerI cust ->
-        void <$> liftIO (stripe c (deleteCustomer cust))
+        void <$> liftIO (strp c (deleteCustomer cust))
     ChargeCustomerI cust cents ->
-            . stripe c
+            . strp c
             . (-&- cust)
             -- Supported upstream as of 2016-10-06, but not in our resolver yet
             -- . (-&- ExpandParams ["balance_transaction"])
@@ -462,7 +470,13 @@ runStripe c = \case
             . view chargeCents
             $ cents
     BalanceTransactionI transId ->
-        liftIO (stripe c (getBalanceTransaction transId))
+        liftIO (strp c (getBalanceTransaction transId))
+-- | A default stripe runner
+    :: MonadIO io
+    => StripeConfig -> StripeI a -> io (Either StripeError a)
+runStripe = runStripeWith stripe
 -- Making payments
diff --git a/website/src/AppDataTypes.hs b/website/src/AppDataTypes.hs
index 39ea400..62428a2 100644
--- a/website/src/AppDataTypes.hs
+++ b/website/src/AppDataTypes.hs
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import Yesod.Core.Types (Logger)
 import Yesod.GitRev
 import AuthSite
+import Crowdmatch
 import Settings
 -- | The God-object available to every Handler. This is the site's
@@ -30,10 +31,7 @@ data App = App
     , appAuth        :: AuthSite
       -- | The function for doing stripe API calls. Swapped out for a mock
       -- thing in tests.
-    , appStripe      :: forall a. (Typeable (StripeReturn a), FromJSON 
(StripeReturn a))
-                     => StripeConfig
-                     -> StripeRequest a
-                     -> IO (Either StripeError (StripeReturn a))
+    , appStripe      :: StripeClient
 -- This function generates the route types, and also generates the
diff --git a/website/src/Handler/PaymentInfo.hs 
index 80c66b9..f17babd 100644
--- a/website/src/Handler/PaymentInfo.hs
+++ b/website/src/Handler/PaymentInfo.hs
@@ -54,20 +54,14 @@ deletePaymentInfoForm :: Form ()
 deletePaymentInfoForm =
     identifyForm delFormId (renderDivsNoLabels deleteFromPost)
-stripeConf :: Handler StripeConfig
-stripeConf = fmap
-    (StripeConfig . appStripeSecretKey . appSettings)
-    getYesod
 postPaymentInfoR :: Handler Html
 postPaymentInfoR = handleDelete delFormId deletePaymentInfoR $ do
     Entity uid User{..} <- requireAuth
-    conf <- stripeConf
     ((formResult, _), _) <-
         runFormPost (identifyForm modFormId (paymentForm ""))
     case formResult of
         FormSuccess token -> do
-            stripeRes <- runDB $ storePaymentToken (runStripe conf) uid token
+            stripeRes <- runDB $ storePaymentToken snowstripe uid token
             case stripeRes of
                 Left e -> stripeError e
                 Right _ -> do
@@ -79,9 +73,8 @@ postPaymentInfoR = handleDelete delFormId deletePaymentInfoR 
$ do
 deletePaymentInfoR :: Handler Html
 deletePaymentInfoR = do
-    conf <- stripeConf
     Entity uid User {..} <- requireAuth
-    stripeDeletionHandler =<< runDB (deletePaymentToken (runStripe conf) uid)
+    stripeDeletionHandler =<< runDB (deletePaymentToken snowstripe uid)
     redirect DashboardR
     stripeDeletionHandler =
diff --git a/website/src/Handler/Util.hs b/website/src/Handler/Util.hs
index ca100f9..39d0db0 100644
--- a/website/src/Handler/Util.hs
+++ b/website/src/Handler/Util.hs
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
 module Handler.Util
         ( snowdriftTitle
         , snowdriftDashTitle
@@ -23,12 +25,16 @@ snowdriftTitle t = setTitle $
 snowdriftDashTitle :: MonadWidget m => Text -> Text -> m ()
 snowdriftDashTitle x y = snowdriftTitle $ x `mappend` " — " `mappend` y
+stripeConf :: Handler StripeConfig
+stripeConf = fmap
+    (StripeConfig . appStripeSecretKey . appSettings)
+    getYesod
 snowstripe :: StripeI a -> Handler (Either StripeError a)
 snowstripe req = do
-    conf <- fmap
-        (StripeConfig . appStripeSecretKey . appSettings)
-        getYesod
-    liftIO (runStripe conf req)
+    conf <- stripeConf
+    client <- getsYesod appStripe
+    liftIO $ runStripeWith client conf req
 -- | The form element that can be inserted to handle a delete.

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