On 07/28/2017 03:09 PM, Steven Leiva wrote:
> Hi Folks, 
> I am trying to learn Haskell and looking for a community where I can
> “learn by doing” so to speak. I would love to get involved with the
> snowdrift project as it seems like a great fit for that goal.

Welcome! I agree, we certainly aim to fit that. We want to make sure we
live up to that ideal, and we can certainly use the *doing* from
interested volunteers.

> Anyway, besides a quick introduction, I’m writing because I am having a
> bit of trouble building the snowdrift project. 
> I am following the instructions in the BUILD.md file
> (https://git.snowdrift.coop/sd/snowdrift/blob/master/BUILD.md), and I
> made sure to have *git*, *postgres*, and *stack* installed (ran the
> which command on all of them to make sure they were in my PATH env). 
> Once I cloned the repo and ran *make* in the root directory, I ran into
> an issue with HsOPENSSL (https://paste.ubuntu.com/25193259/). I didn’t
> inline this because we al know how unwieldy error messages can be.
> I tried following the directions of *brew install openssl*, but when I
> did so I got this message: *openssl 1.0.2l is already installed*
> *
> *
> The logs of the error can be found here
> (https://paste.ubuntu.com/25193345/), but they contain the same
> information as the previous URL.
> Thanks for any help folks!
> - Steven
> P.S. I’m running macOS Sierra 10.12.6

Yeah, the "brew" instruction clued me in earlier to the MacOS bit.

I suspect this is a MacOS-specific bug in that building is working for
me on an Ubuntu-based system. Maybe other Mac users on this list can
reproduce the error?

Given that this seems possibly related to version issues, I would wonde
if updating your OS to High Sierra would fix this… if you want to do
that anyway, maybe it's worth trying. If you have some reason to
hesitate on that update, then I don't want to push you to it just to
test this issue.

Anyone who has further thoughts or insights, please weigh in… I hope we
can get this fixed and move on to discussing actual Haskell hacking!


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