I don't think this is really the appropriate place for such a question.
First of all, you're using an IDE I've never even heard of before, and
second of all, the question is not related to Snowdrift code.

On Mon, Nov 13, 2017 at 12:30 AM, jake <jakel...@zoho.com> wrote:

> In Haskell code, I'd like the ability to click an identifier and go to its
> definition. How do I do this?
> I would like to know what your methods are, since mine aren't working too
> well.
> This issue <https://github.com/rikvdkleij/intellij-haskell/issues/237>
> may explain some of my problems, but I'd like to hear your solutions.
> If you're interested, here's what I've tried:
> Recently, I have installed IntelliJ and its Haskell plugin: the above
> being my primary motivation -- supposedly, this IDE/plugin combo has the
> feature.
> Problem: only rarely does it work.
> More specifically, I have only seen it work within a single file: if *foo*
> is defined in *bar.hs*, and I select *foo* in *bar.hs* somewhere, the
> option to go to its declaration (in that same file) does work.
> But I have not gotten the feature to reach much farther, which I am in
> need of far more often.
> For example, say there's 20 import statements. I would hope that there is
> a much more efficient way of finding where something is imported from than
> Googling each module individually.
> To give my actual case:
> I was perusing sdb.hs and saw:
> -- | Seeing as I use this everywhere
> toText_ :: FilePath -> Text
> toText_ = format fp
> And I though to myself, "Hmm. I wonder where fp is defined? And format?"
> So I use the "Go to Declaration" feature.
> But even if I tell IntelliJ to search "All Places", it says "No Usages
> Found in All Places".
> Aside: If you take a moment to think about that, it doesn't make sense. I
> did *not* ask it to find usages, I asked it to find a declaration. Which
> is kind of the opposite.
> Hitting "Ctrl + Shift + H" (Built-in Hoogle) did reveal that fp is in
> SPARC.Regs, but I have no way of knowing if this is the same fp as the one
> used in sdb.hs. Further, SPARC is not listed in my External Libraries, so
> this would suggest that it is not the same fp.
> Hoogle on the web could not find any fp at all. And neither variety of
> Hoogle could find format, at least not the one used in sdb.hs.
> Anyhow, I find out about GHCI's " :info " command. So I run "stack ghci",
> and from within there, I try to load sdb.hs, with the hope of using the
> info command on the two aforementioned identifiers. But that fails, because
> it could not find several modules, claiming them to be members of hidden
> packages.
> I even "grep -R"  ~/.intellij-haskell/lib/snowdrift, and that couldn't
> find them, either.
> The above is more or less an arbitrarily chosen example. Really, you can
> pick just about any Haskell code file (.hs), pick any of a number of
> identifiers it contains, and you'll see this problem, provided the
> identifier was declared in a module external to Snowdrift.
> So how do I get to the definitions of things? I find this absolutely
> vital. The compiler is able to get to them ... therefore I should be able,
> too.
> Cheers,
> Jake
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