Title: Samsung Enterprise Portal mySingle



>> E: Could not find plugin 'console.disabled' to load 'webconsole'.

>This is normal behavior. It just means that the console is disabled by
>renaming the plugin call to console.disabled in the configuration file.


Even with correct plugin name, 'console' murphy-console is not working.

>> I: AMB: transport address: unxs:/tmp/murphy/amb
>> E: AMB: failed to bind transport to address
>> E: Failed to start plugin amb (amb).

>Check if the directory /tmp/murphy exists. Alternatively, try giving AMB
>a different socket address from the configuration file.

After /tmp/murphy/amb is created, this error is not coming.

>> E: Failed to dlopen plugin
>> '/usr/lib/murphy/plugins/plugin-resource-asm.so' (/usr/lib/libsmack.so.1: version `LIBSMACK' not found (required by /usr/lib/libaul.so.0)).

>Could it be that plugin-resource-asm.so links against libaul, which in
>turn links against libsmack, but libsmack fails to be opened (because of
>"version `LIBSMACK' not found")? Can you use libaul from any
>application? Maybe try to compile a version of libaul that does not use


You were right, I was not able to use libaul from any application.

>Ismo Puustinen


Thanks and Regards

Saurabh Araiyer


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