Title: Samsung Enterprise Portal mySingle

Hi all,


We pre-release Tizen tools which can be used in Ubuntu 15.04 OS



We have a plan to perform official Tizen tool release which includes tools for Ubuntu 15.04 as soon as verification procedure for tools release is finished.


Developers who use Ubuntu15.04 OS can use the above pre-released tools before official Tizen tool release by modifying repos like below

vi /etc/apt/sources.list

-> Modify sentense which contains "http://download.tizen.org/tools/" like below

deb http://download.tizen.org/tools/pre-release/Ubuntu_15.04/ /



SoonKyu Park.


Samsung Electronics

Office : +82 31 301 8553

Cell : +82 10 9530 8553

Mail : sk7.p...@samsung.com



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