I've noticed some flaky tests now and then both locally and on travis. I
agree that we should delay this release for them, but would you open (or
find) a JIRA for the flaky tests so we can address them in the next

 Alex Bozarth                                                                   
 Software Engineer                                                              
 Spark Technology Center                                                        
 E-mail: ajboz...@us.ibm.com                                                    
 GitHub: github.com/ajbozarth                                                   
                                                                   505 Howard 
                                                             San Francisco, CA 

From:   Marcelo Vanzin <van...@cloudera.com>
To:     dev@livy.incubator.apache.org
Date:   01/29/2018 05:21 PM
Subject:        Re: [VOTE] Livy 0.5.0-incubating (RC2)

I'm a -0 on this.

The signatures check and things seem to compile, but I can't get unit
tests to pass.

The default profile (spark 1.6) breaks with jacoco errors for me.

The spark 2.2 profile is a bit better; but I still run into what look
like flaky tests (TestSparkClient fails sometimes, also

I don't want to block the release because of those, since maybe it's
something in my environment (haven't really kept up with the
requirements), but it sounds a little odd for unit tests to fail in
the default profile.

On Thu, Jan 25, 2018 at 3:57 PM, Alex Bozarth <ajboz...@us.ibm.com> wrote:
> Hey team,
> Now that the security vulnerability that was found has been addressed,
> of Livy 0.5.0-incubating is ready for testing and approval.
> The vote will be open 72 hours until Monday January 29th at 12:00AM UTC
> will pass with a minimum of 3 +1 votes and a majority of positive votes.
> [+1] This release is ready to send to the Incubator PMC for approval
> [-1] This release is not ready because...
> This vote is held according to Apache Incubator release policy:

> This release files can be found here:

> The list of resolved JIRAs in this release can be found here:

> I will also include my own +1 here
>  Alex Bozarth
>  Software Engineer
>  Spark Technology Center
>  E-mail: ajboz...@us.ibm.com
>  GitHub: github.com/ajbozarth
>                                                                    505
Howard Street
>                                                              San
Francisco, CA 94105
United States


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