For the dead/killed session, could you check the yarn app logs ?

Hugo Herlanin <> 于2019年7月4日周四 下午9:41写道:

> Hey, user mail is not working out!
> I am having some problems with livy setup. My use case is as follows: I
> use a DAG in airflow (1.10) to create a cluster in EMR (5.24.1, one master
> is m4.large and two nodes in m5a.xlarge), and when it is ready,  this dag
> sends 5 to 7 simultaneous requests to Livy. I think I'm not messing with
> the Livy settings, I  just set livy.spark.deploy-mode = client and
> livy.repl.enable-hive-context = true.
> The problem is that from these ~ 5 to 7 sessions, just one or two opens
> (goes to 'idle') and all others go straight to 'dead' or 'killed', in logs
> Yarn returns that the sessions were killed by 'livy' user. I tried to
> tinker with all possible timeout settings, but this is still happening. If
> I send more than ~10 simultaneous requests, livy responds with 500, and if
> I continue sending requests, the server freezes. This happens even if EMR
> has enough resources available.
> I know the cluster is able to handle that many questions because it works
> when I open them via a loop with an interval of 15 seconds or more, but it
> feels like livy should be able to deal with that many requests
> simultaneously. It seems strange that I should need to manage the queue in
> such a way for an API of a distributed system.
> Do you have any clue about where I might be doing wrong? Is there any
> known limitation that I'm unaware of?
> Best,
> Hugo Herlanin

Best Regards

Jeff Zhang

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