Since there's no central repository of C++ libraries (or C, or several
other languages for that matter; Rust providing one is a nice change
of pace), it'll be fairly difficult to get real usage stats about what
minimum compiler versions and such are still in use out there. Now I
know it's not the "oldest" thing out there, but I typically defer to
whatever is in Debian Stable (and maybe even RHEL sometimes, but
they're super ancient) for an idea of what's a safe baseline. In this
case, I see which is
using a fairly old libstdc++6 (>= 5.2) whereas Buster seems to package
a much more recent version (8.x).

On Sun, 23 Aug 2020 at 07:01, Thorsten Schöning <> wrote:
> Guten Tag Robert Middleton,
> am Sonntag, 23. August 2020 um 03:31 schrieben Sie:
> > I'm working on changes for log4cxx at the moment that involve upgrades to
> > use C++11 features; that would definitely require a major change in the
> > versioning, although the API would be largely the same.
> OTOH, the work on smart pointers you did in the past changed the API
> as well. Those things are pretty easy with having a "0.x" from almost
> every point of view.
> So in my opinion, creating a versioning scheme to distinguish two
> different versions from each other is fine. Switching to 1.0 only
> because X time has past is not. I'm using other projects as well in
> production keeping 0.x versions and don't care too much.
> > Part of the question with that as well is what platforms and
> > compilers are supported, as Thorsten uses a very old compiler.
> In the worst case, I'm simply forking and using the old code base for
> my needs until I get the resources to upgrade my projects. Need to do
> that anyway at some point, just didn't have the resources yet.
> > So would it make sense to have two branches for development, the
> > "legacy" 0.XX version and a new 1.XX version that depends on (at
> > least) C++11?
> Seems pretty uncommon to me to actively develop/maintain a 0.x and a
> 1.x, doesn't it? So maybe prefer a 0.x -> 1.x -> 2.x and maintain 1.x
> and 2.x only? OTOH, 2.x might make people believe in compatibility
> with log4j2 too much?
> Let's explicitly ask on the list if any legacy version supporting old
> compilers is if interest at all?
> I might be the only one, in which case it's not worth taking care too
> much at all. I'm fine with what 0.x provides currently and am not sure
> if I would enhance that version at all if I needed to, in favour of
> upgrading to 1.x first and enhancing afterwards. Legacy always is a
> dead-end after all.
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
> Thorsten Schöning
> --
> Thorsten Schöning       E-Mail:
> AM-SoFT IT-Systeme
> Telefon...........05151-  9468- 55
> Fax...............05151-  9468- 88
> Mobil..............0178-8 9468- 04
> AM-SoFT GmbH IT-Systeme, Brandenburger Str. 7c, 31789 Hameln
> AG Hannover HRB 207 694 - Geschäftsführer: Andreas Muchow

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