
I'll try get some time to look at this this week. There's another small fix I'd like to make and I've been putting it off because the release process is such a mission (the apache way of doing things - unlike my libraries which I can just release, log4net has to go through a vote and republish docs and so forth, even though I'm the only one maintaining it right now.

Thanks for the pr - I'll try check it out tomorrow.


On October 24, 2021 11:29:52 David Schwartz <david.schwa...@ni.com> wrote:

Hi Log4Net,

I have a PR to repair issue 611 for .netstandard 2.0 libraries.


It is a small change to the AssemblyInfo.cs to allow low trust level for .netstandard 2.0 compilation (which is already the setting for netframework 4.7.2)


I need this as part of the migration plan of our products to .net standard / .net 5. Could someone please review/approve the PR and then release a new version of log4net with this change?

Thank you

David Schwartz

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