
rat: success
mvn install: success (no flakes)

$ mvn -v
Apache Maven 3.6.3
Maven home: /usr/share/maven
Java version: 1.8.0_282, vendor: Azul Systems, Inc., runtime: 
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
OS name: "linux", version: "5.13.0-22-generic", arch: "amd64", family: "unix"


On Tue, Dec 7, 2021, at 00:38, Matt Sicker wrote:
> +1
> Signatures good, tests pass, etc. Environment (mixed toolchain depending on 
> which module is being tested):
> openjdk version "1.8.0_312"
> OpenJDK Runtime Environment (Zulu (build 
> 1.8.0_312-b07)
> OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (Zulu (build 25.312-b07, 
> mixed mode)
> openjdk version "11.0.12" 2021-07-20
> OpenJDK Runtime Environment Homebrew (build 11.0.12+0)
> OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Homebrew (build 11.0.12+0, mixed mode)
> openjdk version "17.0.1" 2021-10-19
> OpenJDK Runtime Environment Homebrew (build 17.0.1+1)
> OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Homebrew (build 17.0.1+1, mixed mode, sharing)
> Apache Maven 3.8.4 (9b656c72d54e5bacbed989b64718c159fe39b537)
> Notes:
> * Some of the performance tests in log4j-core-its have flakes, but no big 
> deal given the context of the test.
> * Cassandra integration test doesn’t seem to work properly on ARM.
> > On Dec 6, 2021, at 22:12, Ralph Goers <ralph.go...@dslextreme.com> wrote:
> > 
> > This is a vote to release Log4j 2.15.0, the next version of the Log4j 2 
> > project.
> > 
> > Please download, test, and cast your votes on the log4j developers list.
> > [] +1, release the artifacts
> > [] -1, don't release because...
> > 
> > The vote will remain open for 72 hours (or more if required). All votes are 
> > welcome and we encourage everyone to test the release, but only Logging PMC 
> > votes are “officially” counted. As always, at least 3 +1 votes and more 
> > positive than negative votes are required.
> > 
> > Changes in this release include:
> > 
> > New Features
> > 
> > • LOG4J2-3198: Pattern layout no longer enables lookups within message text 
> > by default for cleaner API boundaries and reduced formatting overhead. The 
> > old 'log4j2.formatMsgNoLookups' which enabled this behavior has been 
> > removed as well as the 'nolookups' message pattern converter option. The 
> > old behavior can be enabled on a per-pattern basis using '%m{lookups}'.
> > • LOG4J2-3194: Allow fractional attributes for size attribute of 
> > SizeBsaedTriggeringPolicy. Thanks to markuss.
> > • LOG4J2-2978: Add support for Jakarta EE 9 (Tomcat 10 / Jetty 11) Thanks 
> > to Michael Seele.
> > • LOG4J2-3189: Improve NameAbbreviator worst-case performance.
> > • LOG4J2-3170: Make CRLF/HTML encoding run in O(n) worst-case time, rather 
> > than O(n^2). Thanks to Gareth Smith.
> > • LOG4J2-3133: Add missing slf4j-api singleton accessors to 
> > log4j-slf4j-impl (1.7) StaticMarkerBinder and StaticMDCBinder. This doesn't 
> > impact behavior or correctness, but avoids throwing and catching 
> > NoSuchMethodErrors when slf4j is initialized and avoids linkage linting 
> > warnings.
> > • LOG4J2-2885: Add support for US-style date patterns and micro/nano 
> > seconds to FixedDateTime. Thanks to Markus Spann.
> > • LOG4J2-3116: Add JsonTemplateLayout for Google Cloud Platform structured 
> > logging layout.
> > • LOG4J2-3067: Add CounterResolver to JsonTemplateLayout.
> > • LOG4J2-3074: Add replacement parameter to ReadOnlyStringMapResolver.
> > • LOG4J2-3051: Add CaseConverterResolver to JsonTemplateLayout.
> > • LOG4J2-3064: Add Arbiters and SpringProfile plugin.
> > • LOG4J2-3056: Refactor MD5 usage for sharing sensitive information. Thanks 
> > to Marcono1234.
> > • LOG4J2-3004: Add plugin support to JsonTemplateLayout.
> > • LOG4J2-3050: Allow AdditionalFields to be ignored if their value is null 
> > or a zero-length String.
> > • LOG4J2-3049: Allow MapMessage and ThreadContext attributes to be prefixed.
> > • LOG4J2=3048: Add improved MapMessge support to GelfLayout.
> > • LOG4J2-3044: Add RepeatPatternConverter.
> > • LOG4J2-2940: Context selectors are aware of their dependence upon the 
> > callers ClassLoader, allowing basic context selectors to avoid the 
> > unnecessary overhead of walking the stack to determine the caller's 
> > ClassLoader.
> > • LOG4J2-2940: Add BasicAsyncLoggerContextSelector equivalent to 
> > AsyncLoggerContextSelector for applications with a single LoggerContext. 
> > This selector avoids classloader lookup overhead incurred by the existing 
> > AsyncLoggerContextSelector.
> > • LOG4J2-3041: Allow a PatternSelector to be specified on GelfLayout.
> > • LOG4J2-3141: Avoid ThreadLocal overhead in RandomAccessFileAppender, 
> > RollingRandomAccessFileManager, and MemoryMappedFileManager due to the 
> > unused setEndOfBatch and isEndOfBatch methods. The methods on LogEvent are 
> > preferred.
> > • LOG4J2-3144: Prefer string.getBytes(Charset) over string.getBytes(String) 
> > based on performance improvements in modern Java releases.
> > • LOG4J2-3171: Improve PatternLayout performance by reducing unnecessary 
> > indirection and branching.
> > 
> > Fixed Bugs
> > 
> > • LOG4J2-3201: Limit the protocols JNDI can use by default. Limit the 
> > servers and classes that can be accessed via LDAP.
> > • LOG4J2-3114: Enable immediate flush on RollingFileAppender when buffered 
> > i/o is not enabled. Thanks to Barnabas Bodnar.
> > • LOG4J2-3168: Fix bug when file names contain regex characters. Thanks to 
> > Benjamin Wöster.
> > • LOG4J2-3110: Fix the number of {}-placeholders in the string literal 
> > argument does not match the number of other arguments to the logging call. 
> > Thanks to Arturo Bernal.
> > • LOG4J2-3060: Fix thread-safety issues in DefaultErrorHandler. Thanks to 
> > Nikita Mikhailov.
> > • LOG4J2-3185: Fix thread-safety issues in DefaultErrorHandler. Thanks to 
> > mzbonnt.
> > • LOG4J2-3183: Avoid using MutableInstant of the event as a cache key in 
> > JsonTemplateLayout.
> > • LOG4J2-2829: SocketAppender should propagate failures when reconnection 
> > fails.
> > • LOG4J2-3172: Buffer immutable log events in the SmtpManager. Thanks to 
> > Barry Fleming.
> > • LOG4J2-3175: Avoid KafkaManager override when topics differ. Thanks to 
> > wuqian0808.
> > • LOG4J2-3160: Fix documentation on how to toggle log4j2.debug system 
> > property. Thanks to Lars Bohl.
> > • LOG4J2-3159: Fixed an unlikely race condition in Log4jMarker.getParents() 
> > volatile access.
> > • LOG4J2-3153: DatePatternConverter performance is not impacted by 
> > microsecond-precision clocks when such precision isn't required.
> > • LOG4J2-2808: LoggerContext skips resolving localhost when hostName is 
> > configured. Thanks to Asapha Halifa.
> > • LOG4J2-3150: RandomAccessFile appender uses the correct default buffer 
> > size of 256 kB rather than the default appender buffer size of 8 kB.
> > • LOG4J2-3142: log4j-1.2-api implements LogEventAdapter.getTimestamp() 
> > based on the original event timestamp instead of returning zero. Thanks to 
> > John Meikle.
> > • LOG4J2-3083: log4j-slf4j-impl and log4j-slf4j18-impl correctly detect the 
> > calling class using both LoggerFactory.getLogger methods as well as 
> > LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory().getLogger.
> > • LOG4J2-2816: Handle Disruptor event translation exceptions. Thanks to 
> > Jacob Shields.
> > • LOG4J2-3121: log4j2 config modified at run-time may trigger incomplete 
> > MBean re-initialization due to InstanceAlreadyExistsException. Thanks to 
> > Markus Spann.
> > • LOG4J2-3107: SmtpManager.createManagerName ignores port. Thanks to Markus 
> > Spann.
> > • LOG4J2-3080: Use SimpleMessage in Log4j 1 Category whenever possible.
> > • LOG4J2-3102: Fix a regression in 2.14.1 which allowed the AsyncAppender 
> > background thread to keep the JVM alive because the daemon flag was not set.
> > • LOG4J2-3103: Fix race condition which can result in 
> > ConcurrentModificationException on context.stop. Thanks to Mike Glazer.
> > • LOG4J2-3092: Fix JsonWriter memory leaks due to retained excessive buffer 
> > growth. Thanks to xmh51.
> > • LOG4J2-3089: Fix sporadic JsonTemplateLayoutNullEventDelimiterTest 
> > failures on Windows. Thanks to Tim Perry.
> > • LOG4J2-3075: Fix formatting of nanoseconds in JsonTemplateLayout.
> > • LOG4J2-3087: Fix race in JsonTemplateLayout where a timestamp could end 
> > up unquoted. Thanks to Anton Klarén.
> > • LOG4J2-3070: Ensure EncodingPatternConverter#handlesThrowable is 
> > implemented. Thanks to Romain Manni-Bucau.
> > • LOG4J2-3054: BasicContextSelector hasContext and shutdown take the 
> > default context into account
> > • LOG4J2-2940: Slf4j implementations walk the stack at most once rather 
> > than twice to determine the caller's class loader.
> > • LOG4J2-2965: Fixed a deadlock between the AsyncLoggerContextSelector and 
> > java.util.logging.LogManager by updating Disruptor to 3.4.4.
> > • LOG4J2-3095: Category.setLevel should accept null value. Thanks to Kenny 
> > MacLeod, Gary Gregory.
> > • LOG4J2-3174: Wrong subject on mail when it depends on the LogEvent Thanks 
> > to romainmoreau.
> > 
> > Changes
> > 
> > • : Update Spring framework to 5.3.13, Spring Boot to 2.5.7, and Spring 
> > Cloud to 2020.0.4.
> > 
> > • LOG4J2-2025: Provide support for overriding the Tomcat Log class in 
> > Tomcat 8.5+.
> > 
> > • : Updated dependencies.
> > 
> >  - com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations ................. 2.12.2 
> > -> 2.12.4
> >  - com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core ........................ 2.12.2 
> > -> 2.12.4
> >  - com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind .................... 2.12.2 
> > -> 2.12.4
> >  - com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat:jackson-dataformat-xml ........ 2.12.2 
> > -> 2.12.4
> >  - com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat:jackson-dataformat-yaml ....... 2.12.2 
> > -> 2.12.4
> >  - com.fasterxml.jackson.module:jackson-module-jaxb-annotations ... 2.12.2 
> > -> 2.12.4
> >  - com.fasterxml.woodstox:woodstox-core ........................... 6.2.4 
> > -> 6.2.6
> >  - commons-io:commons-io .......................................... 2.8.0 
> > -> 2.11.0
> >  - net.javacrumbs.json-unit:json-unit ............................. 2.24.0 
> > -> 2.25.0
> >  - net.javacrumbs.json-unit:json-unit ............................. 2.25.0 
> > -> 2.27.0
> >  - org.apache.activemq:activemq-broker ............................ 5.16.1 
> > -> 5.16.2
> >  - org.apache.activemq:activemq-broker ............................ 5.16.2 
> > -> 5.16.3
> >  - org.apache.commons:commons-compress ............................ 1.20 -> 
> > 1.21
> >  - org.apache.commons:commons-csv ................................. 1.8 -> 
> > 1.9.0
> >  - org.apache.commons:commons-dbcp2 ............................... 2.8.0 
> > -> 2.9.0
> >  - org.apache.commons:commons-pool2 ............................... 2.9.0 
> > -> 2.11.1
> >  - org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-failsafe-plugin ................. 2.22.2 
> > -> 3.0.0-M5
> >  - org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin ................. 2.22.2 
> > -> 3.0.0-M5
> >  - org.apache.rat:apache-rat-plugin ............................... 0.12 -> 
> > 0.13
> >  - org.assertj:assertj-core ....................................... 3.19.0 
> > -> 3.20.2
> >  - org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-dateutil ............................ 3.0.7 
> > -> 3.0.8
> >  - org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-jsr223 .............................. 3.0.7 
> > -> 3.0.8
> >  - org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils ............................... 3.3.0 
> > -> 3.4.0
> >  - org.eclipse.persistence:javax.persistence ...................... 2.1.1 
> > -> 2.2.1
> >  - org.eclipse.persistence:org.eclipse.persistence.jpa ............ 2.6.5 
> > -> 2.6.9
> >  - org.eclipse.persistence:org.eclipse.persistence.jpa ............ 2.7.8 
> > -> 2.7.9
> >  - org.fusesource.jansi ........................................... 2.3.2 
> > -> 2.3.4
> >  - org.fusesource.jansi:jansi ..................................... 2.3.1 
> > -> 2.3.2
> >  - org.hsqldb:hsqldb .............................................. 2.5.1 
> > -> 2.5.2
> >  - org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-engine ......................... 5.7.1 
> > -> 5.7.2
> >  - org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-migrationsupport ............... 5.7.1 
> > -> 5.7.2
> >  - org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-params ......................... 5.7.1 
> > -> 5.7.2
> >  - org.junit.vintage:junit-vintage-engine ......................... 5.7.1 
> > -> 5.7.2
> >  - org.liquibase:liquibase-core ................................... 3.5.3 
> > -> 3.5.5
> >  - org.mockito:mockito-core ....................................... 3.8.0 
> > -> 3.11.2
> >  - org.mockito:mockito-junit-jupiter .............................. 3.8.0 
> > -> 3.11.2
> >  - org.springframework:spring-aop ................................. 5.3.3 
> > -> 5.3.9
> >  - org.springframework:spring-beans ............................... 5.3.3 
> > -> 5.3.9
> >  - org.springframework:spring-context ............................. 5.3.3 
> > -> 5.3.9
> >  - org.springframework:spring-context-support ..................... 5.3.3 
> > -> 5.3.9
> >  - org.springframework:spring-core ................................ 5.3.3 
> > -> 5.3.9
> >  - org.springframework:spring-expression .......................... 5.3.3 
> > -> 5.3.9
> >  - org.springframework:spring-oxm ................................. 5.3.3 
> > -> 5.3.9
> >  - org.springframework:spring-test ................................ 5.3.3 
> > -> 5.3.9
> >  - org.springframework:spring-web ................................. 5.3.3 
> > -> 5.3.9
> >  - org.springframework:spring-webmvc .............................. 5.3.3 
> > -> 5.3.9
> >  - org.tukaani:xz ................................................. 1.8 -> 
> > 1.9
> > 
> > Tag: 
> > a)  for a new copy do "git clone 
> > https://github.com/apache/logging-log4j2.git"; and then "git checkout 
> > tags/log4j-2.15.0-rc1”  or just "git clone -b log4j-2.15.0-rc1 
> > https://github.com/apache/logging-log4j2.git";
> > b) for an existing working copy to “git pull” and then “git checkout 
> > tags/log4j-2.15.0-rc1”
> > 
> > Web Site:  https://logging.staged.apache.org/log4j/2.x/index.html.
> > 
> > Maven Artifacts: 
> > https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachelogging-1065
> > 
> > Distribution archives: 
> > https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/logging/log4j/ 
> > 
> > You may download all the Maven artifacts by executing:
> > wget -e robots=off --cut-dirs=7 -nH -r -p -np --no-check-certificate 
> > https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachelogging-1065/org/apache/logging/log4j/
> > 
> > Ralph
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 

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