
I hope log4j finds you well :)
I know log4j 1.x has reached its end of life long ago,
however, I wonder if there's a possibility to ship 1.2.18 with
"network-related" classes removed.

The list of classes I suggest removing:
 * JMSAppender: it looks like it might cause "remote code execution" issues
if an attacker can modify the logging configuration.
Frankly speaking, I would just remove the appender and what for what
* JMSSink, SocketServer, SocketNode, chainsaw: if somebody needs them, they
can use 1.2.17

A slightly better option would be moving the extra features to an extra
jar, however, it would require more effort, and I am not sure it is worth

My motivation is as follows:
* Everybody has questions on "what to do with log4j 1.x"
* There are applications that can't replace log4j 1 with 2 (e.g. they use
programmatic configuration)
* The maintenance overheads for releasing 1.2.18 do not seem to be severe.
At the end of the day, I suggest removing several classes and releasing it
* Dependabot would be able to bump log4j:log4j from 1.2.17 to 1.2.18

That is why I think releasing 1.2.18 as a "security hardened" version would
be good for everybody.

I think I can create a PR for the change, however, I can't really release
it without logging PMC.


See https://github.com/apache/logging-log4j2/pull/608#issuecomment-993430513


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