Thanks for the clarification. I will try to enumerate all the cases below:

*[Below, 1, 2, and B denote Log4j 1, Log4j 2, and log4j-1.2-api,

*1/2/B:* failure, both 1 and B cannot be present (equivalent to #1 in your
*1/2/-:* 2 should detect `log4j.configuration`, yet due to the absence of
B, discard it; a warning is not necessary since 1 is present (equivalent to
#2 in your enumeration)
*1/-/B:* 1 should do all the work
*1/-/-:* 1 should do all the work
*-/2/B:* 2 should detect `log4j.configuration` and employ it (equivalent to
#3 in your enumeration)
*-/2/-:* 2 should detect `log4j.configuration`, yet due to the absence of
B, warn & discard it (equivalent to #4 in your enumeration)
*-/-/B:* user doesn't know what he/she is doing
*-/-/-:* recess for all

I think we can test against all these cases using dedicated
maven-surefire-plugin configurations where we exclude either 1, 2, and/or B
as needed.

Regarding Carter's *"when interesting plugin/webapp classloaders are used"*
remark... I will act like I haven't read that. 😅

On Wed, Dec 22, 2021 at 6:13 PM Ralph Goers <>

> > On Dec 22, 2021, at 9:20 AM, Volkan Yazıcı <> wrote:
> >
> > Ralph, mind elaborating a bit more on what the exact problem is, please?
> > `log4j.configuration` gets detected, log4j-1.2-api (provided by Log4j 2)
> > kicks in, and tries to load the Log4j 1 configuration. This sounds okay
> to
> > me. I guess it gets messed up when an application uses both Log4j 1 and
> 2,
> > right?
> Yes, if log4j 1.x is on the classpath they both think the system property
> is meant for them. There are a few scenarios:
> 1. Log4j 1.x and log4j-1.2-api are both present. This is an error as you
> can’t have both the legacy implementation and the compatibility bridge
> present at the same time.
> 2. Log4j-1.x is present and log4j-1.2-api is not present. Log4j will look
> for a factory for Log4j 1.x. It won’t find one and Log4j 2 will fail to
> configure.
> 3. Log4j 1.x is not present and log4j-1.2-api is present. Log4j will look
> for a factory for Log4j 1.x and find it in log4j-1.2-api.
> 4. Neither Log4j 1.x or Log4j-1.2-api are present. ConfigurationFactory
> won’t find a factory and will return null.
> It seems the logic here needs to be changed so that if it can’t find a
> Log4j 1.x configuration that it should continue looking for a Log4j 2
> configuration.  I guess having it use the Log4j 1.x property name isn’t the
> problem.
> Ralph

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