Hi all,

We have a local modification to logging-log4j2/log4j-core that we are hoping to 
contribute back to open source. We modify the RollingFileAppender, adding a 
config option to compress the file as it is originally written instead of on 
rollover. The value of this is in reducing the volume of data required to be 
written to disk, improving performance.

The summary of this change is as follows:

  *   A new Boolean config option "compressOnWrite" for the RollingFileAppender.
  *   If true, the log is written to e.g. a GZIPOutputStream instead of a 
     *   Any rollover compression action implied by the filePattern extension 
is skipped as the file is already compressed, and so only a rename is done.

Right now our change only applies to the ".gz" compression type, but it would 
be possible to extend this functionality to the other compression methods - the 
file extension from the fileName could be used to detect this. The GZIP format 
is however especially appropriate for this feature:

  *   No need to enforce an OnStartupTriggeringPolicy for the rollover, as it 
is valid to append new GZIP data to a closed GZIP file.

Is there any reason that this enhancement would not be accepted into log4j?

Many thanks,

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