
We were just discussing this in our video call last week. It was also pointed 
out that there are advantages to Log4j using its own Supplier although I cannot 
remember what they were.

Of course, the Log4j Supplier could be modified to extend j.u.f.Supplier, 
although I don’t know what the point of that would be.

Adding new methods that use j.u.f.Supplier almost certainly would just create a 
mess and require casting all over the place.


> On May 12, 2022, at 9:00 AM, Chris Hegarty <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to pick up an old thread [1], for which I cannot find a conclusion. 
> Apologies if this has already been discussed, but I cannot find it anywhere 
> (and I have looked!).
> It relates to the potential of dropping o.a.l.log4j.util.Supplier in favour 
> of the standard j.u.f.Supplier. I think that such is a great idea, but I want 
> to ensure that some details are not overlooked.
> log4j.Supplier shows up in public API methods like, say, 
><?>). If this, and others, were migrated to say, 
><?>), then this would be a,
>  - source compatible change, but a
>  - binary incompatible change
> Source compatible, since type inference will infer the similarly shaped 
> util.Supplier method variant when recompiling the consuming call sites 
> against the new method signature.
> Binary incompatible, since existing classes compiled against the existing 
> info(log4j.Supplier) will have method descriptors in their byte code 
> referencing the log4j.Supplier signature variant, which will not be 
> resolvable at runtime.
> For clarity, here is a brief, somewhat contrived, minimal example:
> // Fake Logger interface
> $ cat
> public interface Logger {
>    void info(org.apache.logging.log4j.util.Supplier<?> messageSupplier);
> }
> // Fake LogManager: factory for loggers that log to stdout
> $ cat
> public class LogManager {
>    public static Logger getLogger() {
>        return new Logger() {
>            @Override
>            public void info(org.apache.logging.log4j.util.Supplier<?> 
> messageSupplier) {
>                System.out.println(messageSupplier.get());
>            }
>        };
>    }
> }
> // Compile these
> $ javac -cp log4j-api-2.17.1.jar
> // Minimal app that does some logging
> $ cat
> public class Main {
>    public static void main(String... args) {
>        LogManager.getLogger().info(() -> "log msg");
>    }
> }
> $ javac -cp log4j-api-2.17.1.jar:.
> $ java -cp log4j-api-2.17.1.jar:. Main
> log msg
> // Now migrate the logging framework to util.Supplier
> $ cat
> public interface Logger {
>    void info(java.util.function.Supplier<?> messageSupplier);
> }
> $ cat
> public class LogManager {
>    public static Logger getLogger() {
>        return new Logger() {
>            @Override
>            public void info(java.util.function.Supplier<?> messageSupplier) {
>                System.out.println(messageSupplier.get());
>            }
>        };
>    }
> }
> // recompile the logging framework
> $ javac
> // Now rerun the app code (without recompiling) - binary incompatible
> $ java -cp log4j-api-2.17.1.jar:. Main
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'void 
>       at Main.main(
> // Recompile the app code - source compatible
> $ javac
> $ java Main
> log msg
> -Chris.
> [1]

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