Splitting the repos might be effectively the same as donating them to others, 
so I’m fine with either approach.

Matt Sicker

> On Jun 10, 2022, at 10:43, Ralph Goers <ralph.go...@dslextreme.com> wrote:
> It has been my plan to create a PR for Spring to move the Spring Boot 
> support there. They already provide support for Log4j2, it is just deficient.
> I have no plans to move the Flume Appender to the Flume project. 
> However, I do plan to move it to its own Log4j repo in 3.x. I would 
> suggest the same thing happen to many of these other components.
> Other projects taking ownership of them is very unlikely to happen.
> Ralph
>> On Jun 10, 2022, at 5:51 AM, Volkan Yazıcı <vol...@yazi.ci> wrote:
>> Would any of those projects be willing to maintain a Log4j-related
>> component that was born and raised in the Log4j land? I think that is
>> pretty wishful thinking, though feel free to give it a try. I support any
>> initiative that would lower the maintenance burden without hindering the
>> development of Log4j. Does anybody volunteer to raise this subject in the
>> associated mailing lists?
>> I am not concerned about the `log4j-core` API stability, I think we do a
>> good job there.
>>> ... if the upstream projects don't want them, then those modules get
>> EOL'd and removed for 3.x
>> Umm... I don't think that is a nice way to treat our existing users. (Ralph
>> would disagree anyway. In fact, I am surprised he hasn't reacted yet.) I
>> would rather move these to separate repositories and maintain them there.
>> For those interested in this route, please start another thread. For
>> inspiration, see my earlier posts
>> <https://lists.apache.org/thread/8rflqfctmpd79h11o78zkfymtn6g9sds>.
>> On Tue, Jun 7, 2022 at 8:17 PM Matt Sicker <boa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hey all,
>>> I was wondering if you'd all be on board for 3.x to try and move some
>>> of our 3rd party integration plugins to their respective projects
>>> rather than maintaining them here. For example, all the networked
>>> appender plugins and other plugins that typically require a third
>>> party client library or driver would be more appropriately located
>>> with their respective dependencies. A concrete example would be moving
>>> the Flume appender to Apache Flume once they're finished with 1.10.0
>>> which is under review right now. While we'd keep releasing this
>>> appender in 2.x, come 3.x, we'd be able to point to the official Flume
>>> plugin instead. The same idea could apply to numerous plugins such as:
>>> * Cassandra appender -> Apache Cassandra
>>> * Flume appender -> Apache Flume
>>> * JDBC/JPA appenders -> ? (Eclipse Jakarta perhaps?)
>>> * JMS appender (could go to ActiveMQ or Jakarta)
>>> * Kafka appender -> Apache Kafka
>>> * MongoDB appenders -> MongoDB?
>>> * CouchDB appenders -> Apache CouchDB
>>> * SMTP appender -> makybe Jakarta?
>>> * ZeroMQ appender -> ZeroMQ project?
>>> * Spring integration stuff -> Spring project
>>> * Liquibase binding -> Liquibase
>>> I imagine it makes some sense to continue publishing our -web and
>>> -appserver modules as they're more specific to hooking log4j-core into
>>> those things, but I'm open to other ideas there.
>>> For any plugins we're trying to move, if the upstream projects don't
>>> want them, then those modules get EOL'd and removed for 3.x.

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