My +1

Note that this release has now been open for approximately 67 hours and only 
has 1 vote other than my own.


> On Sep 13, 2022, at 1:49 PM, Ralph Goers <> wrote:
> This is a vote to release Log4j 2.19.0, the next version of the Log4j 2 
> project.
> Note that the security page on the web site was updated to better describe 
> CVE-2021-44228 and CVE-2021-45046. Please review those changes.
> Please download, test, and cast your votes on the log4j developers list.
> [] +1, release the artifacts
> [] -1, don't release because...
> The vote will remain open for 72 hours. All votes are welcome and we 
> encourage everyone to test the release, but only Logging PMC votes are 
> “officially” counted. As always, at least 3 +1 votes and more positive than 
> negative votes are required.
> Changes in this version include:
> New Features
>       • LOG4J2-3583: Add support for SLF4J2 stack-valued MDC. Thanks to 
> Pierrick Terrettaz.
>       • LOG4J2-2975: Add implementation of SLF4J2 fluent API. Thanks to 
> Daniel Gray.
> Fixed Bugs
>       • LOG4J2-3578: Generate new SSL certs for testing.
>       • LOG4J2-3556: Make JsonTemplateLayout stack trace truncation operate 
> for each label block. Thanks to Arthur Gavlyukovskiy.
>       • LOG4J2-3550: SystemPropertyArbiter was assigning the value as the 
> name. Thanks to DongjianPeng.
>       • LOG4J2-3560: Logger$PrivateConfig.filter(Level, Marker, String) was 
> allocating empty varargs array. Thanks to David Schlosnagle.
>       • LOG4J2-3561: Allows a space separated list of style specifiers in the 
> %style pattern for consistency with %highlight. Thanks to Robert Papp.
>       • LOG4J2-3564: Fix NPE in log4j-to-jul in the case the root logger 
> level is null.
>       • LOG4J2-3545: Add correct manifest entries for OSGi to log4j-jcl 
> Thanks to Johan Compagner.
>       • LOG4J2-3565: Fix RollingRandomAccessFileAppender with 
> DirectWriteRolloverStrategy can't create the first log file of different 
> directory.
>       • LOG4J2-3579: Fix ServiceLoaderUtil behavior in the presence of a 
> SecurityManager. Thanks to Boris Unckel.
>       • LOG4J2-3559: Fix resolution of properties not starting with log4j2.. 
> Thanks to Gary Gregory.
>       • LOG4J2-3557: Fix recursion between Log4j 1.2 LogManager and Category. 
> Thanks to Andreas Leitgeb.
>       • LOG4J2-3587: Fix regression in Rfc5424Layout default values. Thanks 
> to Tomas Micko.
>       • LOG4J2-3548: Improve support for passwordless keystores. Thanks to 
> Kristof Farkas-Pall.
>       • LOG4J2-708: Add async support to Log4jServletFilter.
> Changes
>       • LOG4J2-3572: Add getExplicitLevel method to LoggerConfig.
>       • LOG4J2-3589: Allow Plugins to be injected with the LoggerContext 
> reference.
>       • LOG4J2-3588: Allow PropertySources to be added.
> Removed
>       • LOG4J2-3573: Removed build page in favor of a single build 
> instructions file. Thanks to Wolff Bock von Wuelfingen.
>       • LOG4J2-3590: Remove SLF4J 1.8.x binding.
> Tag: 
> a)  for a new copy do "git clone 
> and then "git checkout tags/log4j-2.19.0-rc2”  or just "git clone -b 
> log4j-2.19.0-rc2";
> b) for an existing working copy to “git pull” and then “git checkout 
> tags/log4j-2.19.0-rc2”
> Web Site:
> Maven Artifacts: 
> Distribution archives: 
> You may download all the Maven artifacts by executing:
> wget -e robots=off --cut-dirs=7 -nH -r -p -np --no-check-certificate 
> Ralph

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