We lost the initial 'Load Chainsaw Configuration' dialog (and menu
item) that gave folks a way to set up a Chainsaw configuration. I'd
like to see us restore that functionality, along with a menu support.

Right now, you have to define a receiver by hand, and it has to be
redefined on each app startup because it's not saved.

The ability to create a Receiver config from a fileappender definition
would help the user experience - that was one of the 'load chainsaw
config' features, but may have been specific to log4j1 appender config
files. That'd be a great log4j2-supporting feature.


On 10/1/23, Scott Deboy <scott.de...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It's great to see the contribution, thanks Christian!
> I pulled down latest master and it looks like there are some UI
> glitches we should fix - for example, resizing the logger tree pane
> doesn't render correctly.
> As I mentioned before, I assume there are a bunch of features we lost
> when we moved from log4j1 - some may not be critical, but I think
> persisting 'default' tab settings is pretty important if it's not
> I'd like us to at least support the log4j2 zeroconf functionality as
> well as VFSLogFilePatternReceiver.
> I'm happy to dig in - will look at latest master and contribute.
> Scott
> On 10/1/23, Christian Grobmeier <grobme...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am moving things around a lot. There is much refactoring that is
>> necessary
>> alone LogPanel had ~4500 lines of code. I believe this lot of LOCs is so
>> complicated to understand that it prevents people from contributing - let
>> alone Swing, but we can't change that.
>> Apart from usual refactorings, I wonder what should be the goal of 2.2?
>> I have already upgraded some dependencies that have security flaws. 2
>> more
>> are in the pom, but they have no patched versions so far.
>> Should we add at least one feature? Is there maybe one already in that I
>> missed?
>> I would appreciate it if one of the more experienced Swing-devs here
>> could
>> advise or maybe contribute some code so we can justify a release.
>> The next question would be:
>> How is chainsaw released at all?
>> Kind regards,
>> Christian

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