> On Oct 2, 2023, at 12:04 AM, Volkan Yazıcı <vol...@yazi.ci> wrote:
> I give up. Gut-feeling-driven development FTW.
> Ralph, quoting your own words, "async and gc-free stuff exploded the
> complexity of the code base".

Yes it did. Matt has refactored the Plugin support at least 3 times and each 
time it has become more complex. That doesn’t mean it was wrong to do it or it 
was bad. Likewise with gc-free and async. With some effort we can Improve the 
situation for those if we choose to.

> Plus, we are yet to reproduce Remko's "log4j
> is faster than logback" results on a modern stack, where all of our earlier
> attempts failed.

I never said his results were incorrect. I just said I have never understood 
how he got them. I couldn’t reproduce them because I never got the full 
information on how the tests were performed.

> Now I find it ironic that you use async/gc-free as an
> example to convince me how well our gut-feelings paid off.

Umm. Lots of people are doing async logging. I am quite positive that had a 
beneficial impact on Log4j2.

> All in all, I heard the PMC. We are all converging to a "Ceki Reloaded"
> scenario here. I will shut up.

1. I will never encourage you to shut up.
2. I have no idea what you are referring to in regards to Ceki or how anything 
he has done with his projects relates to this issue.


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