
I also agree that the Scala 3 reproducible build issue is minor.

> On Oct 10, 2023, at 6:21 AM, Volkan Yazıcı <vol...@yazi.ci> wrote:
> This is a vote to release the Apache Log4j Scala 13.0.0.
> Website: https://logging.staged.apache.org/log4j/scala
> GitHub: https://github.com/apache/logging-log4j-scala
> Commit: 980f4ed0ba53f93d1514df65ddafb6f97396a975
> Distribution: https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/logging/log4j-scala
> Nexus: 
> https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachelogging-1200
> Signing key: 0x077e8893a6dcc33dd4a4d5b256e73ba9a0b592d0
> Please download, test, and cast your votes on this mailing list.
> [ ] +1, release the artifacts
> [ ] -1, don't release, because...
> This vote is open for 72 hours and will pass unless getting a
> net negative vote count. All votes are welcome and we encourage
> everyone to test the release, but only the Logging Services PMC
> votes are officially counted. At least 3 +1 votes and more
> positive than negative votes are required.
> === Reproducibility
> The `log4j-api-scala_3.jar` artifact targeting Scala 3 in this release
> is not reproducible due to a bug in the Scala 3 compiler[1]. (The
> other 4 artifacts are reproducible!) Though I don't find this a
> release blocker since we can verify that the difference breaking the
> reproducibility is just a member ordering problem, which doesn't have
> any practical effect from a user's point of view.
> [1] https://github.com/lampepfl/dotty/issues/18248
> ==== What about CI checks?
> Note that CI-based reproducibility checks pass, since the issue
> appears to be only observable when sources are built on hosts with
> different specs.
> ==== How can I check the reproducibility myself?
> export 
> NEXUS_REPO=https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachelogging-1200
> ./mvnw verify artifact:compare -Dreference.repo=$NEXUS_REPO
> ==== How can I view the difference myself?
> ./mvnw package
> mkdir t && cd $_
> wget 
> https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachelogging-1200/org/apache/logging/log4j/log4j-api-scala_3/13.0.0/log4j-api-scala_3-13.0.0.jar
> unzip log4j-api-scala_3-13.0.0.jar -d reference
> unzip ../log4j-api-scala_3/target/log4j-api-scala_3-13.0.0.jar -d local
> diff -r reference local
> # `diff` will point out that only `LoggingContext$.class` doesn't match
> javap 'reference/org/apache/logging/log4j/scala/LoggingContext$.class'
>> reference.LoggingContext
> javap 'local/org/apache/logging/log4j/scala/LoggingContext$.class' >
> local.LoggingContext
> diff -u reference.LoggingContext local.LoggingContext
> ==== What is the difference?
> Decompiling and comparing `LoggingContext$.class` files produce the
> following output:
> --- reference.LoggingContext 2023-10-10 12:58:35.188544183 +0200
> +++ local.LoggingContext 2023-10-10 12:58:41.152551071 +0200
> @@ -114,30 +114,30 @@
>   public scala.collection.LazyZip2 lazyZip(scala.collection.Iterable);
>   public scala.collection.IterableFactory iterableFactory();
>   public scala.Function1 compose(scala.Function1);
> -  public double apply$mcDI$sp(int);
> -  public double apply$mcDJ$sp(long);
> -  public double apply$mcDF$sp(float);
> -  public double apply$mcDD$sp(double);
> +  public int apply$mcII$sp(int);
> +  public int apply$mcIJ$sp(long);
> +  public int apply$mcIF$sp(float);
> +  public int apply$mcID$sp(double);
>   public boolean apply$mcZI$sp(int);
>   public boolean apply$mcZJ$sp(long);
>   public boolean apply$mcZF$sp(float);
>   public boolean apply$mcZD$sp(double);
> -  public long apply$mcJI$sp(int);
> -  public long apply$mcJJ$sp(long);
> -  public long apply$mcJF$sp(float);
> -  public long apply$mcJD$sp(double);
> -  public void apply$mcVI$sp(int);
> -  public void apply$mcVJ$sp(long);
> -  public void apply$mcVF$sp(float);
> -  public void apply$mcVD$sp(double);
>   public float apply$mcFI$sp(int);
>   public float apply$mcFJ$sp(long);
>   public float apply$mcFF$sp(float);
>   public float apply$mcFD$sp(double);
> -  public int apply$mcII$sp(int);
> -  public int apply$mcIJ$sp(long);
> -  public int apply$mcIF$sp(float);
> -  public int apply$mcID$sp(double);
> +  public void apply$mcVI$sp(int);
> +  public void apply$mcVJ$sp(long);
> +  public void apply$mcVF$sp(float);
> +  public void apply$mcVD$sp(double);
> +  public double apply$mcDI$sp(int);
> +  public double apply$mcDJ$sp(long);
> +  public double apply$mcDF$sp(float);
> +  public double apply$mcDD$sp(double);
> +  public long apply$mcJI$sp(int);
> +  public long apply$mcJJ$sp(long);
> +  public long apply$mcJF$sp(float);
> +  public long apply$mcJD$sp(double);
>   public scala.Option unapply(java.lang.Object);
>   public scala.PartialFunction elementWise();
>   public scala.PartialFunction orElse(scala.PartialFunction);
> ==== Why is it a simple ordering problem?
> Since `grep -E 'public (.+) apply\$' | sort` executed against both
> `reference.LoggingContext` and `local.LoggingContext` produce the same
> output.
> === Release Notes
> The highlights of this major release are Scala 3 support, JPMS
> descriptors, and the switch to semantic versioning[2].
> [2] https://semver.org
> Note that this release is still binary backward compatible with the
> earlier release `12.0`.
> Though we needed to bump the major version number for the semantic
> versioning switch to avoid the confusion related with version
> ordering.
> ==== Added
> * Added support for Scala 3 (LOG4J2-3184, #26)
> * Added OSGi and JPMS support
> ==== Changed
> * Bumped the Java version to 17 (Scala 2.10 and 2.11 targets still
> require Java 8 that build switches to using `maven-toolchains-plugin`)
> * Switch the CI to GitHub Actions
> * Switched from `sbt` to Maven to take advantage of `logging-parent`
> conveniences
> * Switched to semantic versioning
> * Updated `org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-api` version to `2.20.0`
> * Update `org.apache.logging:logging-parent` to version `10.1.1`
> * Started using `log4j-changelog`

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