Note that there is also the Maven moditect plugin but I don't know if it
deals with OSGi which brings up the issue of how much we should care about
OSGi (I don't know).


On Thu, Dec 7, 2023, 9:41 AM Volkan Yazıcı <> wrote:

> We use `bnd`, in particular, `bnd-maven-plugin`
> <
> >
> to programmatically declare JPMS/OSGi module exports and service providers.
> Effectively, it generates `module-info.class`, `META-INF/services`, and
> (OSGi-related) `MANIFEST.MF` files. We also enhance this experience with
> `bnd-baseline-maven-plugin`
> <
> >
> to enforce API compatibility between versions.
> I really like this! We use `@Export`, `@Version`, `@ServiceConsumer`,
> `@ServiceProvider`, etc. annotations in the code and `bnd` takes care of
> the rest. Though in the last couple of months, I have noticed several
> nuances that started to make me consider pros/cons of this convenience.
> *Good: Programmatic configuration*
> No need to manually populate ``, `META-INF/services`,
> `MANIFEST.MF` files. Everything is in the code. Great!
> *Bad: Programmatic configuration is not enough*
> We still need to tweak the generated `module-info.class` in several places.
> We have hundreds of lines of manual treatment: you can simply search for
> `<bnd` text in `pom.xml` files in `2.x` branch.
> *Good: Absence of ``*
> We use `bnd:jar` goal to populate `module-info.class` and attach it to the
> generated JAR. That is, there are no `` and
> `module-info.class` files anywhere in the `target` folder. This makes life
> with IDEs a lot easier. IDEs simply work [not really, but I will talk about
> that later], since they think there are no JPMS descriptors to deal with.
> *Bad: IDEs cannot discover services*
> Since `META-INF/services` is only available in the generated JAR, IDEs are
> not able to discover services.
> *Bad: `bnd:jar` attaches the generated files always at the end*
> Currently, if the `package` phase has multiple plugin executions, `bnd:jar`
> removes the Maven Jar plugin execution and adds its own at the end (not
> sure if that is fixable). E.g.: adding `spring-boot:repackage` in a naive
> way, causes `spring-boot:repackage` to be executed before `bnd:jar` and
> effectively missing all `bnd:jar`-generated files.
> *Bad: Switching to `bnd:bnd-process` is not a cure either*
> Piotr and I have been thinking about switching from `bnd:jar` to
> `bnd:bnd-process`, since the latter will output everything generated to the
> `target` folder. Though this is not a cure without any side effects either.
> <
> >
> *Bad: Mismatch with the community and ecosystem*
> AFAIK, almost no major project uses `bnd-maven-plugin`. (This is more of a
> gut feeling, I haven't done an empirical study on this.) We are alone with
> our problems and others' solutions (catered against mainstream which
> hand-craft ``, etc. files) don't work for us.
> *What now?*
> `bnd-maven-plugin` is a great tool with an active community. It delivers
> its promises perfectly. Though the surrounding ecosystem (IDEs,
> not-JPMS'ed-yet libraries, etc.) doesn't always play nice with it and
> eventually we end up tweaking it, *a lot*. I am sitting on the fence
> whether it is a curse or a blessing. I will appreciate your thoughts on the
> matter.

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