Apache Logging Parent team is pleased to announce the 10.6.0
release. This project contains the parent POM for other Maven-based
Apache Logging Services projects. For further information (support,
download, etc.) see the project website[1].

=== Release Notes

This minor release contains several small changes to the build pipeline.

Most notably it bans wildcard imports from source code, which will
require expanding those imports before upgrading `logging-parent`.

==== Added

* Add JSpecify to dependency management. (#88)
* Add enforcer rule to ban wildcard imports. All imports must be
expanded to provide better comparison of branches. (#63)

==== Changed

* Merge Dependabot PRs instead of closing them. (#82)
* Disable `-jpms-multi-release`[2] BND option. (#93)
* Clean up residual `module-info.class` before compilation. (#90)

==== Updated

* Update `com.google.errorprone:error_prone_core` to version `2.24.1` (#89)
* Update `github/codeql-action` to version `3.23.0` (#91)
* Update `org.apache.rat:apache-rat-plugin` to version `0.16` (#92)

[1] https://logging.apache.org/logging-parent
[2] https://bnd.bndtools.org/instructions/jpms-multi-release.html

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