There was also the idea that if we introduce some form of a v3 API, it’ll be 
alongside the existing v2 API, not a breaking change.

> On Jan 21, 2024, at 1:32 PM, Volkan Yazıcı <> wrote:
> *Abstract:* There will not be a Log4j 3 API. Both Log4j 2 and Log4j 3 will
> implement the Log4j 2 API.
> In the video call we had with Ralph, Matt, Piotr, Christian, Robert, and I
> on 2024-01-19 (last Friday), we decided to proceed with this plan. In a
> nutshell,
>   1. We will *make the business logic of Log4j 2 API pluggable* in a way
>   seamless to existing Log4j 2 users. Hence, everything that used to work for
>   Log4j 2 API, will work intact.
>   2. We will use this (new) pluggability to *support Log4j 2 API in Log4j
>   3*. Hence, there will not be a Log4j 3 API.
>   3. Preferably, we will *move Log4j 2 API to a separate repository* with
>   its own release lifecycle and further explore options on how to evolve it.
> Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
> On Wed, Jan 17, 2024 at 5:11 PM Volkan Yazıcı <> wrote:
>> Given Ralph and Piotr are strongly opinionated about keeping
>> `log4j-api-3.x` binary compatible to `log4j-api-2.x`, can we not release
>> `log4j-api-3.x` in `main` and make `main` only depend on `log4j-api-2.x`
>> instead? (We can move the contents of the `spi` package in `log4j-api-3.x`
>> to a separate `log4j-spi` module in `main`.) This will make everything
>> crystal clear:
>>   - Log4j 3 is just a major improvement over the backend
>>   - Log4j 3 still supports Log4j 2 API
>>   - We can move the Log4j 2 API to a separate repository with its own
>>   release life cycle (ala SLF4J)
>>   - When time comes to make a new Log4j API where PMC agrees to make
>>   breaking changes, we can call that one Log4j 3 API
>> I would appreciate it if you can help me to understand if I am
>> missing something. Otherwise, I would like to know why we need to make a
>> major release for a project that is identical to its previous version.

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