Hi All and Piotr mostly (since you did the 2.x code in Commons Logging), [ Background: My reply https://lists.apache.org/thread/rcxkfffg9pfj9662d1fxlyo4l8cv2yyq to the post https://lists.apache.org/thread/w5yq2locvdt8yhf8k9075vgjg1kw5569 ]
In my branch https://github.com/garydgregory/commons-logging/tree/log4j1-log42-api I have test failures where all 6 events are logged instead of 4 by the existing test that calls (mvn clean verify): Unexpected number of log events expected:<4> but was:<6> based on: private void logPlainMessages(final Log log) { log.trace("trace"); // Should not actually get logged log.debug("debug"); // Should not actually get logged log.info("info"); log.warn("warn"); log.error("error"); log.fatal("fatal"); } It turns out that I see this in the test resources, log4j2-test.xml: <Configuration> <Appenders> <List name="LIST"/> </Appenders> <Loggers> <Root level="TRACE"> <AppenderRef ref="LIST"/> </Root> </Loggers> </Configuration> I can understand that the above v2 file does not kick in before my branch since the problematic test is a v1 test. But, now that this test ends up using the 1.2-api bridge, the file is in play. How do I make the 1.x test point to a different file so that the code passes as is? TY, Gary