No, it is not the same thing Matt. Let me be as explicit as I can:

var logger0 = getLogger();  // MDC: {}
var logger1 = logger0.withContextData("x", 1);  // MDC: {x: 1}
var logger2 = logger1.withContextData("y", 2);  // MDC: {x: 1, y: 2}

This is the functionality being requested. Whoever claims this can be done
using a `MessageFactory`, they need to share a working [pseudo] code,
instead of hand waving. So far, nobody responded to this. Piotr, speculated
on a non-existing `Logger#withMessageFactory(MessageFactory)`, but there is
not one single working example shared. Hence, unless you can prove me wrong
with a working practical[1] example, *the requested feature is currently
known to be not practically possible in Log4j*.

[1] Implementing `logger.withContextData("x", 1)` with 50 LoC Java code
using the existing Log4j feature set is not a *"practical example"*.

*P.S.* For Log4j 3 API Javadocs, you can browse to and search for "Javadoc" in the menu.
(Obviously, same works for Log4j 2 too.)

On Thu, Mar 21, 2024 at 6:10 PM Matt Sicker <> wrote:

> LogManager - log4j-api 3.0.0-alpha1 javadoc
> <>
> <>
> [image: fb2db6ea7688d54ae047109e0d71e3a0-favicon-32.png]
> <>
> <>
> Pass your custom MessageFactory here. It’s an optional argument when
> creating the Logger.
> Also, I’m not sure where to even find the current javadocs for the API.
> only seems to have this alpha release.
> On Mar 21, 2024, at 04:34, Volkan Yazıcı <> wrote:
> Ralph, could you show how those two users can use a `MessageFactory` to
> create `Logger`s with predefined additional context data?
> On Thu, Mar 21, 2024 at 7:25 AM Ralph Goers <> wrote:
> Unfortunately this is another message I somehow didn't get in my inbox.
> Replying to it via lists.a.o is not a great experience but is the best I
> can do.
> On 2024/03/20 13:51:56 Volkan Yazıcı wrote:
> I agree with the way Piotr dissects the problem. I think `ScopedContext`,
> even though it has its own merits, doesn't address the problem reported
> by
> users. They simply want a new logger associated with some additional
> context data.
> Two users do.  I have personally been asked for something like
> ScopedContext several times.
> As I replied to Piotr, we already solved the problem of adding data to
> Loggers. That is what MessageFactories are intended for.
> *[See my comments below.]*
> On Mon, Mar 18, 2024 at 10:40 AM Piotr P. Karwasz <
> wrote:
> * we can create a `Logger` wrapper "bound" to context data as Mikko
> does. This wrapper will take care of setting the `ThreadContext`
> before the logger call and restore it after it.
> Creating a wrapper `Logger` can work without needing to deal with
> `ThreadContext`. I can think of two different ways to carry this out:
>   1. Currently, `AbstractLogger` only creates `Message`s. We can rework
> it
>   to create `LogEvent`s too. Once `AbstractLogger` gets its hand on a
>   `LogEvent`, it can enrich its context data as it wishes.
>   2. We can extend `ContextDataInjector` with a new `void
>   injectContextData(Logger logger, StringMap target)` method, provide a
>   `ContextDataInjector` implementation that branches on `logger
> instanceof
>   ContextDataProvider`, and call `ContextDataInjector` with the
> associated
>   `Logger` in `LogEventFactory`.
> We can do lots of things, most of which I wouldn't recommend. As to yours:
> 1. Logger/AbstractLogger got very complex with Async, Garbage Free,
> Reliablity Strategies, etc. Trying to move creating the LogEvent sooner is
> likely to be a major PITA and could seriously impact performance. While we
> could add a context map to AbstractLogger we would have to pass that on the
> logging calls to LoggerConfig and deal with all that that means - remember,
> a LoggerConfig can be handling multiple Loggers.
> 2. I don't recommend extending ContextDataInjector. That proved difficult
> to work with which is why we now recommend using ContextDataProviders. You
> really can only have one ContextDataInjector. Also, please note that
> ContextDataInjector is called while constructing the LogEvent. The LogEvent
> isn't passed the Logger, only the LoggerName. Looking up the Logger to do
> this is yet another way to slow down logging.
> On Tue, Mar 19, 2024 at 7:45 AM Ralph Goers <>
> wrote:
> In the meantime, I provided
> which I very loosely
> modeled after ScopedValues.
> The fact that `ScopedContext` tries to imitate `ScopedValue` using
> `ThreadLocal`s is extremely confusing (from a user's pov) and risky
> liability (from a maintainer's pov). I guess you wanted to implement *a*
> `ScopedValue` without using *the* `ScopedValue` to be compatible with
> Java
> 8. If so, that really sounds like the `o.a.l.log4j.util.Supplier`
> downward
> spiral. We can rather have an *internal* `Log4jScopedValue` interface and
> provide Java 8 (using `InheritableThreadLocal`) and Java 21+ (using
> `ScopedValue`) compatible solutions in an MRJ (Multi-Release JAR).
> I am NOT trying to make ScopedContext compatible with ScopedValue. I am
> trying to make it conceptually close enough to ScopedValue that users will
> understand what it is doing.
> We can argue about naming if you want. Gary has already expressed his
> opinion.
> We can integrate `ScopedContext` to the `LogEventFactory` by providing a
> specialized `ContextDataInjector` plugin – assuming `LogEventFactory`
> employs all available `ContextDataInjector` plugins.
> ScopedContext is integrated with a ContextDataProvider, which is the
> supported way to do this. Again, you cannot have more than one
> ContextDataInjector so providing "specialized versions" is a pipe dream.
> You will simply have to enhance the one we already have.
> ContextDataInjector is NOT a plugin.
> I find the current ceremony also too long:
> `ScopedContext.getCurrent().where("key1", "value1").run(...)`. I would
> rather aim for `, value, runnable)` and similar
> `ScopedContext.op(..., runnable)` interaction.
> Those are going to be provided as well.
> Ralph

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