This is a lazy-vote to release the Apache Logging Parent `11.0.0`.

Commit: b5bbe45c0c3536e3b6532e176e038a166310df16
Signing key: 0x077e8893a6dcc33dd4a4d5b256e73ba9a0b592d0

Please download, test, and cast your votes on this mailing list.

[ ] +1, release the artifacts
[ ] -1, don't release, because...

This vote is open for 72 hours and will pass unless getting a
net negative vote count. All votes are welcome and we encourage
everyone to test the release, but only the Logging Services PMC
votes are officially counted.

== Review kit

The minimum set of steps needed to review the uploaded distribution
files in the Subversion repository can be summarized as follows:

    # Check out the distribution
    svn co && cd

    # Verify checksums
    shasum --check *.sha512

    # Verify signatures
    wget -O - | gpg --import
    for sigFile in *.asc; do gpg --verify $sigFile; done

    # Verify reproduciblity
    umask 0022
    unzip * -d src
    cd src
    export NEXUS_REPO=
    sh mvnw -Prelease verify artifact:compare -Dreference.repo=$NEXUS_REPO
    # If preferred, augment `mvnw` with `-DskipTests` to speed things up

If you have code-related objections, *DO NOT* share them by responding to
this email, but start a new email thread instead, please.

== Release notes

This release contains a big revamp to the website build and several other
minor enhancements.

=== Website build changes

The website build system is migrated from `asciidoctor-maven-plugin` to
Antora. This implies that `src/site` and `` files need to
be adapted, and `target/site` can be viewed without needing a local web

The Maven `site` phase is re-engineered such that _generated sources_
(i.e., `src/site/_release_notes` and `src/site/_constants.adoc`) will be
targeted to `target/generated-site` and the website will be built from
there. This avoids the need to commit generated sources to the repository
and, hence, works around changelog merge conflict problems.

=== Website deployment changes

The newly added `site-deploy-reusable.yaml` GitHub Actions workflow enables
to automate the website deployment. Using the
`<source-branch>-site-<environment>-out` branch naming convention, the
Maven `site` goal running on

* the `main` branch populates the `main-site-stg-out` branch serving the ``
* the `main-site-pro` branch populates the `main-site-pro-out` branch
serving the ``
* the `release/<version>` branch populates the
`release/<version>-site-stg-out` branch serving the `<version>`

Refer to the usage and project release instructions pages for details.

=== Added

* Add `coverage` profile to generate a test coverage report (#140)
* Add `deploy-site-yaml` GitHub actions workflow to automate the website
* Add instructions on XML schema publication (#138)

=== Changed

* Replace `process-sbom` script with CycloneDX plugin configuration (#105)
* Support parallel releases by uploading the distribution to
`<projectId>/<version>` folders. This is needed for parallel Log4j 2 and 3
releases. (#139)
* Migrate website support from `asciidoctor-maven-plugin` to Antora

=== Updated

* Update `com.diffplug.spotless:spotless-maven-plugin` to version `2.43.0`
* Update `com.github.spotbugs:spotbugs-maven-plugin` to version ``
* Update `` to version `2.26.1` (#134)
* Update `com.palantir.javaformat:palantir-java-format` to version `2.43.0`
* Update `org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-changelog-maven-plugin` to version
`0.8.0` (#146)
* Update `org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-artifact-plugin` to version
`3.5.1` (#149)
* Update `org.codehaus.mojo:flatten-maven-plugin` to version `1.6.0` (#102)
* Update `org.cyclonedx:cyclonedx-maven-plugin` to version `2.8.0` (#145)

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