This is a lazy-vote to release the Apache Logging Parent `11.1.0` (RC1). Website: GitHub: Commit: 97716b99d78b9ff226f70a8fb9a8b93860acbf29 Distribution: Nexus: Signing key: 0x077e8893a6dcc33dd4a4d5b256e73ba9a0b592d0
Please download, test, and cast your votes on this mailing list. [ ] +1, release the artifacts [ ] -1, don't release, because... This vote is open for 72 hours and will pass unless getting a net negative vote count. All votes are welcome and we encourage everyone to test the release, but only the Logging Services PMC votes are officially counted. == Review kit The minimum set of steps needed to review the uploaded distribution files in the Subversion repository can be summarized as follows: # Check out the distribution svn co logging-parent-11.1.0 && cd $_ # Verify checksums shasum --check *.sha512 # Verify signatures wget -O - | gpg --import for sigFile in *.asc; do gpg --verify $sigFile; done # Verify reproduciblity umask 0022 unzip * -d src cd src export NEXUS_REPO= sh mvnw -Prelease verify artifact:compare -Dreference.repo=$NEXUS_REPO # If preferred, augment `mvnw` with `-DskipTests` to speed things up == Release notes This minor release contains small improvements and some dependency updates. === Changed * Change the JDK distribution used in CI from Temurin to Zulu (#169) * Use default Java SE architecture and packaging (JDK) in workflows === Updated * Update `com.github.spotbugs:spotbugs-annotations` to version `4.8.5` (#174) * Update `com.github.spotbugs:spotbugs-maven-plugin` to version `` (#175) * Update `` to version `2.27.1` (#172) * Update `com.h3xstream.findsecbugs:findsecbugs-plugin` to version `1.13.0` (#159) * Update `com.palantir.javaformat:palantir-java-format` to version `2.46.0` (#173) * Update `org.apache:apache` to version `32` (#160) * Update `org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-changelog-maven-plugin` to version `0.9.0` (#181)