I'm a bit confused about the DocsEnum.read() in the flex API.   I have three 

1)      DocsEnum.read() currently delegates to nextDoc() in the base class and 
there is a note that subclasses may do this more efficiently.  Is there 
currently a more efficient implementation in a subclass?  I didn't see one in 
MultiDocsEnum or MappingMultiDocsEnum, but perhaps I'm not understanding the 

2)      DocsEnum.read reads 64 docs/freqs at a time as set up in 
initBulkResult().  Would it make sense to have this configurable as an argument 
somewhere?   I'm looking at very large indexes where a common term might occur 
in 100,000 or more docs.
3)      At the very top of the JavaDoc there is a warning "you must first call 
nextDoc"   It seems that this applies to calling DocsEnum.docID() or 
DocsEnum.freq() but not to DocsEnum.read().  Is that correct?

Tom Burton-West

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