+1, again.


On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 11:26 AM, Andi Vajda <va...@apache.org> wrote:
> On Tue, 22 Jun 2010, Christian Heimes wrote:
>> Am 22.06.2010 17:42, schrieb Andi Vajda:
>>> The issue has to do with the fact that PyLucene 2.9.3 is built with
>>> generics
>>> support turned off (passing --no-generics to jcc) by default since Lucene
>>> 2.9.3 makes no use of generics and is thus supported with Java 1.4 as
>>> well.
>>> If you --import lucene built with --no-generics you also must use
>>> --no-generics when building bobo.
>>> You can also change PyLucene 2.9.3's Makefile to not use --no-generics or
>>> switch to PyLucene 3.0.2 which uses Lucene 3.0.2, a version of Lucene
>>> that
>>> requires Java 1.5 and uses generics.
>> Ah! :)
>> The thing is, bobo browse needs generic support for some features. Our
>> test cases fail when I compile bobo browse without generics. Could you
>> make the option --no-generics a make variable? Something like
>> JCC_ARGS = "--no-generics"
>> GENERATE=$(JCC) $(foreach jar,$(JARS),--jar $(jar)) \
>>          $(JCC_ARGS) \
>>          --package java.lang java.lang.System \
>>                              java.lang.Runtime \
>>          ...
>> This way I'm able to overwrite the option with a simple make argument
>> instead of patching the Makefile. It might be wise to remove the default
>> "--no-generics" to keep 2.9.3 compatible with 2.9.2. The option is a new
>> feature.
> So I added 'JCCFLAGS?=--no-generics' to PyLucene's Makefile and uploaded new
> release artifacts. Please check them out and let me know if all is working
> as expected.
> Thanks !
> Andi..

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