I think this failure may be from this commit:

svn diff -c 980765

Index: contrib/db/build.xml
--- contrib/db/build.xml        (revision 980764)
+++ contrib/db/build.xml        (revision 980765)
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
       - bdb-je: using Berkeley DB Java Edition

+  <import file="../contrib-build.xml"/>
   <target name="bdb">
     <ant dir="bdb" />

The build fails because "ant jar-src" fails in contrib/db, which makes
sense (you have to run jar-src in the bdb, bdb-je subdirs).

Any ideas?  Does contrib/db's build.xml really need to import
contrib-build.xml?  (The 2 subdir's build.xml's already do).


On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 10:43 PM, Apache Hudson Server
<hud...@hudson.zones.apache.org> wrote:
> See <http://hudson.zones.apache.org/hudson/job/Lucene-trunk/1252/changes>
> Changes:
> [rmuir] extend LuceneTestCase instead of Object here too
> [rmuir] SOLR-2002: add support for -Dtestmethod=xxx when running tests
> [rmuir] extend LuceneTestCase here instead
> [mikemccand] LUCENE-2589: allow ant command line property tests.codec to 
> include param fr the codec
> [rmuir] SOLR-2002: change tests from TestCase to LuceneTestCase for better 
> coverage
> [rmuir] SOLR-2002: change tests from TestCase to LuceneTestCase for better 
> coverage
> ------------------------------------------
> [...truncated 9868 lines...]
> [artifact:deploy] Uploading: 
> org/apache/lucene/lucene-core/4.0-SNAPSHOT/lucene-core-4.0-20100810.024256-1-javadoc.jar
>  to remote
> [artifact:deploy] Uploaded 3138K
>     [copy] Copying 1 file to 
> <http://hudson.zones.apache.org/hudson/job/Lucene-trunk/ws/lucene/build>
> [artifact:install-provider] Installing provider: 
> org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-ssh:jar:1.0-beta-2:runtime
> [artifact:pom] Error downloading parent pom 
> org.apache.lucene:lucene-parent::4.0-SNAPSHOT: Missing:
> [artifact:pom] ----------
> [artifact:pom] 1) org.apache.lucene:lucene-parent:pom:4.0-SNAPSHOT
> [artifact:pom]   Path to dependency:
> [artifact:pom]          1) unspecified:unspecified:jar:0.0
> [artifact:pom]          2) org.apache.lucene:lucene-parent:pom:4.0-SNAPSHOT
> [artifact:pom]
> [artifact:pom] ----------
> [artifact:pom] 1 required artifact is missing.
> [artifact:pom]
> [artifact:pom] for artifact:
> [artifact:pom]   unspecified:unspecified:jar:0.0
> [artifact:pom]
> [artifact:pom] from the specified remote repositories:
> [artifact:pom]   central (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2)
> [artifact:deploy] Deploying to 
> file://<http://hudson.zones.apache.org/hudson/job/Lucene-trunk/ws/lucene/dist/maven>
> [artifact:deploy] [INFO] Retrieving previous build number from remote
> [artifact:deploy] [INFO] repository metadata for: 'snapshot 
> org.apache.lucene:lucene-contrib:4.0-SNAPSHOT' could not be found on 
> repository: remote, so will be created
> [artifact:deploy] Uploading: 
> org/apache/lucene/lucene-contrib/4.0-SNAPSHOT/lucene-contrib-4.0-20100810.024256-1.pom
>  to remote
> [artifact:deploy] Uploaded 2K
> [artifact:deploy] [INFO] Retrieving previous metadata from remote
> [artifact:deploy] [INFO] repository metadata for: 'artifact 
> org.apache.lucene:lucene-contrib' could not be found on repository: remote, 
> so will be created
> [artifact:deploy] [INFO] Uploading repository metadata for: 'artifact 
> org.apache.lucene:lucene-contrib'
> [artifact:deploy] [INFO] Retrieving previous metadata from remote
> [artifact:deploy] [INFO] repository metadata for: 'snapshot 
> org.apache.lucene:lucene-contrib:4.0-SNAPSHOT' could not be found on 
> repository: remote, so will be created
> [artifact:deploy] [INFO] Uploading repository metadata for: 'snapshot 
> org.apache.lucene:lucene-contrib:4.0-SNAPSHOT'
>     [echo] Building ant...
> compile-analyzers-common:
> common.init:
> build-lucene:
> init:
> clover.setup:
> clover.info:
> clover:
> common.compile-core:
> compile-core:
> jar-src:
>      [jar] Building jar: 
> <http://hudson.zones.apache.org/hudson/job/Lucene-trunk/ws/lucene/build/contrib/ant/lucene-ant-4.0-SNAPSHOT-src.jar>
> dist-maven:
>     [copy] Copying 1 file to 
> <http://hudson.zones.apache.org/hudson/job/Lucene-trunk/ws/lucene/build/contrib/ant>
> [artifact:install-provider] Installing provider: 
> org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-ssh:jar:1.0-beta-2:runtime
> [artifact:pom] Error downloading parent pom 
> org.apache.lucene:lucene-contrib::4.0-SNAPSHOT: Missing:
> [artifact:pom] ----------
> [artifact:pom] 1) org.apache.lucene:lucene-contrib:pom:4.0-SNAPSHOT
> [artifact:pom]   Path to dependency:
> [artifact:pom]          1) unspecified:unspecified:jar:0.0
> [artifact:pom]          2) org.apache.lucene:lucene-contrib:pom:4.0-SNAPSHOT
> [artifact:pom]
> [artifact:pom] ----------
> [artifact:pom] 1 required artifact is missing.
> [artifact:pom]
> [artifact:pom] for artifact:
> [artifact:pom]   unspecified:unspecified:jar:0.0
> [artifact:pom]
> [artifact:pom] from the specified remote repositories:
> [artifact:pom]   central (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2)
> [artifact:deploy] Deploying to 
> file://<http://hudson.zones.apache.org/hudson/job/Lucene-trunk/ws/lucene/dist/maven>
> [artifact:deploy] [INFO] Retrieving previous build number from remote
> [artifact:deploy] [INFO] repository metadata for: 'snapshot 
> org.apache.lucene:lucene-ant:4.0-SNAPSHOT' could not be found on repository: 
> remote, so will be created
> [artifact:deploy] Uploading: 
> org/apache/lucene/lucene-ant/4.0-SNAPSHOT/lucene-ant-4.0-20100810.024259-1.jar
>  to remote
> [artifact:deploy] Uploaded 21K
> [artifact:deploy] [INFO] Retrieving previous metadata from remote
> [artifact:deploy] [INFO] repository metadata for: 'artifact 
> org.apache.lucene:lucene-ant' could not be found on repository: remote, so 
> will be created
> [artifact:deploy] [INFO] Uploading repository metadata for: 'artifact 
> org.apache.lucene:lucene-ant'
> [artifact:deploy] [INFO] Retrieving previous metadata from remote
> [artifact:deploy] [INFO] repository metadata for: 'snapshot 
> org.apache.lucene:lucene-ant:4.0-SNAPSHOT' could not be found on repository: 
> remote, so will be created
> [artifact:deploy] [INFO] Uploading repository metadata for: 'snapshot 
> org.apache.lucene:lucene-ant:4.0-SNAPSHOT'
> [artifact:deploy] [INFO] Uploading project information for lucene-ant 
> 4.0-20100810.024259-1
> [artifact:deploy] [INFO] Retrieving previous build number from remote
> [artifact:deploy] Uploading: 
> org/apache/lucene/lucene-ant/4.0-SNAPSHOT/lucene-ant-4.0-20100810.024259-1-sources.jar
>  to remote
> [artifact:deploy] Uploaded 20K
> [artifact:deploy] [INFO] Retrieving previous build number from remote
> [artifact:deploy] Uploading: 
> org/apache/lucene/lucene-ant/4.0-SNAPSHOT/lucene-ant-4.0-20100810.024259-1-javadoc.jar
>  to remote
> [artifact:deploy] Uploaded 68K
>     [echo] Building benchmark...
> common.init:
> compile-demo:
> compile-memory:
> compile-highlighter:
> compile-analyzers-common:
> init:
> clover.setup:
> clover.info:
> clover:
> compile-core:
> jar-src:
>      [jar] Building jar: 
> <http://hudson.zones.apache.org/hudson/job/Lucene-trunk/ws/lucene/build/contrib/benchmark/lucene-benchmark-4.0-SNAPSHOT-src.jar>
> dist-maven:
>     [copy] Copying 1 file to 
> <http://hudson.zones.apache.org/hudson/job/Lucene-trunk/ws/lucene/build/contrib/benchmark>
> [artifact:install-provider] Installing provider: 
> org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-ssh:jar:1.0-beta-2:runtime
> [artifact:pom] Error downloading parent pom 
> org.apache.lucene:lucene-contrib::4.0-SNAPSHOT: Missing:
> [artifact:pom] ----------
> [artifact:pom] 1) org.apache.lucene:lucene-contrib:pom:4.0-SNAPSHOT
> [artifact:pom]   Path to dependency:
> [artifact:pom]          1) unspecified:unspecified:jar:0.0
> [artifact:pom]          2) org.apache.lucene:lucene-contrib:pom:4.0-SNAPSHOT
> [artifact:pom]
> [artifact:pom] ----------
> [artifact:pom] 1 required artifact is missing.
> [artifact:pom]
> [artifact:pom] for artifact:
> [artifact:pom]   unspecified:unspecified:jar:0.0
> [artifact:pom]
> [artifact:pom] from the specified remote repositories:
> [artifact:pom]   central (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2)
> [artifact:deploy] Deploying to 
> file://<http://hudson.zones.apache.org/hudson/job/Lucene-trunk/ws/lucene/dist/maven>
> [artifact:deploy] [INFO] Retrieving previous build number from remote
> [artifact:deploy] [INFO] repository metadata for: 'snapshot 
> org.apache.lucene:lucene-benchmark:4.0-SNAPSHOT' could not be found on 
> repository: remote, so will be created
> [artifact:deploy] Uploading: 
> org/apache/lucene/lucene-benchmark/4.0-SNAPSHOT/lucene-benchmark-4.0-20100810.024300-1.jar
>  to remote
> [artifact:deploy] Uploaded 220K
> [artifact:deploy] [INFO] Retrieving previous metadata from remote
> [artifact:deploy] [INFO] repository metadata for: 'snapshot 
> org.apache.lucene:lucene-benchmark:4.0-SNAPSHOT' could not be found on 
> repository: remote, so will be created
> [artifact:deploy] [INFO] Uploading repository metadata for: 'snapshot 
> org.apache.lucene:lucene-benchmark:4.0-SNAPSHOT'
> [artifact:deploy] [INFO] Uploading project information for lucene-benchmark 
> 4.0-20100810.024300-1
> [artifact:deploy] [INFO] Retrieving previous metadata from remote
> [artifact:deploy] [INFO] repository metadata for: 'artifact 
> org.apache.lucene:lucene-benchmark' could not be found on repository: remote, 
> so will be created
> [artifact:deploy] [INFO] Uploading repository metadata for: 'artifact 
> org.apache.lucene:lucene-benchmark'
> [artifact:deploy] [INFO] Retrieving previous build number from remote
> [artifact:deploy] Uploading: 
> org/apache/lucene/lucene-benchmark/4.0-SNAPSHOT/lucene-benchmark-4.0-20100810.024300-1-sources.jar
>  to remote
> [artifact:deploy] Uploaded 201K
> [artifact:deploy] [INFO] Retrieving previous build number from remote
> [artifact:deploy] Uploading: 
> org/apache/lucene/lucene-benchmark/4.0-SNAPSHOT/lucene-benchmark-4.0-20100810.024300-1-javadoc.jar
>  to remote
> [artifact:deploy] Uploaded 679K
>     [echo] Building db...
> bdb:
>     [echo] Building bdb...
> common.init:
> build-lucene:
> contrib-build.init:
> get-db-jar:
> check-and-get-db-jar:
> init:
> clover.setup:
> clover.info:
> clover:
> compile-core:
> jar-core:
>      [jar] Building jar: 
> <http://hudson.zones.apache.org/hudson/job/Lucene-trunk/ws/lucene/build/contrib/db/lucene-db-4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar>
> default:
> bdb-je:
>     [echo] Building bdb-je...
> common.init:
> build-lucene:
> contrib-build.init:
> get-je-jar:
> check-and-get-je-jar:
> init:
> clover.setup:
> clover.info:
> clover:
> compile-core:
> jar-core:
>      [jar] Building jar: 
> <http://hudson.zones.apache.org/hudson/job/Lucene-trunk/ws/lucene/build/contrib/db/lucene-db-4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar>
> default:
> default:
> dist-maven:
>     [echo] Building bdb...
> common.init:
> build-lucene:
> contrib-build.init:
> get-db-jar:
> check-and-get-db-jar:
> init:
> clover.setup:
> clover.info:
> clover:
> compile-core:
> jar-src:
> <http://hudson.zones.apache.org/hudson/job/Lucene-trunk/ws/lucene/build.xml>:406:
>  The following error occurred while executing this line:
> <http://hudson.zones.apache.org/hudson/job/Lucene-trunk/ws/lucene/build.xml>:535:
>  The following error occurred while executing this line:
> <http://hudson.zones.apache.org/hudson/job/Lucene-trunk/ws/lucene/contrib/db/build.xml>:60:
>  The following error occurred while executing this line:
> <http://hudson.zones.apache.org/hudson/job/Lucene-trunk/ws/lucene/common-build.xml>:611:
>  The following error occurred while executing this line:
> <http://hudson.zones.apache.org/hudson/job/Lucene-trunk/ws/lucene/common-build.xml>:368:
> <http://hudson.zones.apache.org/hudson/job/Lucene-trunk/ws/lucene/contrib/db/src/java>
>  not found.
> Total time: 2 minutes 53 seconds
> [TASKS] Skipping publisher since build result is FAILURE
> Publishing Javadoc
> Archiving artifacts
> Recording test results
> Publishing Clover coverage report...
> No Clover report will be published due to a Build Failure
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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> For additional commands, e-mail: dev-h...@lucene.apache.org

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