In an effort to have better maven support, I think it is worth making
our dev builds easily compatible with maven snapshot builds.  To get
maven to know a file is an unreleased snapshot, it must include
SNAPSHOT in the name currently the dev jars end with -dev.jar.

If we change the default name to -SNAPSHOT.jar, then the files created
with 'ant generate-maven-artifacts' can be easily pushed to the apache
snapshot repository.  The alternative is to run our build twice, once
generating the "-dev.jar" files and again using -Dversion=4.0-SNAPSHOT


[ ] Rename 3.x and 4.x to -SNAPSHOT.jar
[ ] Rename 4.x to -SNAPSHOT.jar
[ ] Keep -dev.jar, support maven by running the build twice, once with
-dev and once with -Dversion=4.0-SNAPSHOT

This is not a vote about maven support in general or about how it
should eventually fit into our release process.

Since this is a highly visible change, I think an official VOTE worthwhile.

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