Hi Neal,

> The "brand recognition" ...... 
I Agree

> If the project were moved elsewhere, I do not think it would survive.
Probably you are right but I am not going to take any step (personally) for
acceptance to the incubator.


-----Original Message-----
From: Granroth, Neal V. [mailto:neal.granr...@thermofisher.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2010 9:58 PM
To: lucene-net-...@lucene.apache.org
Subject: RE: Lucene.NET Community Status


I agree in that I am surprised that Lucene PMC has not been following the
on-going activity of the project.  There has been significant activity after
George stepped away from the project and with his help I thought had taken
the project beyond incubator status.

While the ASF formal procedures might appear somewhat tedious, they do
provide project users with confidence in the quality and durability of the
project. The "brand recognition" Grant mentioned.  You don't get this
confidence from Open Source code projects managed elsewhere.

That web site and documentation are a bit light is of no consequence; the
Java source, documentation, and examples work well, and the ability to
re-use tools like Luke are a great development advantage.  Developers who
are not comfortable with this type of cross-platform approach should
probably seek further opportunities to advance their development skills.
If the project were moved elsewhere, I do not think it would survive.

- Neal

-----Original Message-----
From: Digy [mailto:digyd...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2010 2:01 PM
To: lucene-net-u...@lucene.apache.org
Subject: RE: Lucene.NET Community Status

Hi Neal,


You could write up a Board proposal to go straight to TLP status.  I'd have
a hard time recommending to the Board that they pass it but maybe they would
b/c as I outlined in my original email, this project isn't up to ASF
community standards and not only that you basically only have one current
person who is an active committer/PMC member.  As I also outlined in earlier
emails, the current Lucene PMC is not the appropriate place for Lucene.NET
b/c the members of the PMC are not interested in .NET.  George is the only
one and he has been gone for the past few months (if not more).  That isn't
to pick on George, it's to point out that a project has to be more than just
one committer to be a part of the ASF, especially one that has been around
this long.  So, in order  for this project to get more committers, people
need to step up and contribute.  Therein lies the conundrum.  The current
PMC is not equipped to judge those contributions since none of us use .NET.
Hence, going back to incubation gets you a new set of committers and it gets
you your own PMC where you can set the criteria for committership (within
ASF guidelines) and where the PMC is made up of the stakeholders in the
project.  Being a part of a project is about more than just the name, it's
about the community of people who use and contribute to that project.  The
.NET community is distinct from the Lucene Java community, despite it being
a port, therefore they should be separate.


See http://www.apache.org/foundation/how-it-works.html


As to those questions about forking somewhere else, that is certainly
something that can be done under a different name.  Lucene.NET is owned by
the ASF.  You can take the code and go call it something else, no problem.


As to what the ASF brings, that's up to the community to decide.  The number
one thing I think is our "community over code" approach.  Anyone can throw
code up on Github/Google Code, etc. and call it open source.  If you are
lucky, you might attract a following.  If the person who started that
project is nice, they might even allow other committers.  At the end of the
day, however, I think the ASF's meritocracy is why I choose to put my open
source efforts into the ASF.  It is just one way, not _the_ way.  Having
started other projects here at the ASF (Mahout), I can tell you the ASF is
one of the few orgs. out there that can attract large bases of
users/contributors almost instantaneously.  In other words, the ASF has
brand recognition like few other places.  Again, this is just my view.  I'm
not going to force it on you, but you are already here, so it seems like
it's less friction to go back to the incubator and graduate to TLP than to
fork and try to get people to go find you under a different name.


My two cents,






Besides PMC's not knowing the activity of the project(see the svn log for
the last years. What was done and who has done to keep the project alive),
They also don't want any .NET app. 

Is this reason enough?





-----Original Message-----
From: Granroth, Neal V. [mailto:neal.granr...@thermofisher.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2010 7:36 PM
To: lucene-net-u...@lucene.apache.org
Subject: RE: Lucene.NET Community Status


Why another location?

Keeping it as close as possible to the location of Java-Lucene makes the
most sense.

- Neal



-----Original Message-----

From: Digy [mailto:digyd...@gmail.com] 

Sent: Monday, November 01, 2010 4:45 PM

To: lucene-net-u...@lucene.apache.org

Subject: RE: Lucene.NET Community Status


We a still think of hosting the project in an another location.




-----Original Message-----

From: George Aroush [mailto:geo...@aroush.net] 

Sent: Monday, November 01, 2010 10:56 PM

To: lucene-net-u...@lucene.apache.org; lucene-net-...@incubator.apache.org

Subject: RE: Lucene.NET Community Status


Let me jump in here and offer some perspective about Lucene.Net (btw,  

it's not Lucene.NET :-) ).  This is based on my past involvement with  

the project -- since 2003 when it was on SourceForge.net and called  



1) Up until early this year, I have been porting and supporting  

Lucene.Net since ver 1.4 (back in 2004 on SourceForge.net) to the  

current release on trunk ver. 2.9.2.  This is in NO WAY to say that  

others have not helped or contributed.  I'm just saying that I know  

the history and have the experience (I wrote and worked on search  

engines from 1998 to 2002).


2) Doing an initial port of a new Java Lucene release to C# Lucene is  

very hard; it's the most complex part of the port even using automated  

tools such as JLCA and my own customize scripts which I use pre-and  

port JLCA (you can search the listing on how I do the port).  What  

used to take me about 1 months with 90% of tests passing took me well  

over 4 months (for 2.9.x) with only 10% of tests passing.  This was no  

easy effort and won't be easier now since Java Lucene is using new  

Java language features that JLCA is not aware of (MS is not  

maintaining JLCA).  Put another way, porting is hard especially when  

you are dealing with > 5.6 GB source code consistent of > 610 source  

files.  You will know this ONLY if you have tried it out and  

maintained it -- this is why no one has stepped up to do an initial  

port otherwise there would be a port by now not only of Java Lucene  

but other projects too.


3) To simplify ports of new release, maintaining as small as possible  

delta between release is very important. This was a main pain point  

when I ported from 2.4 to 2.9.  The in-between ports were never done  

due to lack of time on my end.  See point #2.


4) Diverging away from Java Lucene, both API base and algorithm is  

risky and will just make point #2 more evidence.  Not only will you  

now need a deep knowledge of search engines to catch bugs, but also a  

deep knowledge of Lucene's internals.  Also, you risk compatibility as  

well as books and existing resources on the web that cover Lucene --  

hack, one can take any Java Lucene example and easily read it as a  

Lucene.Net code or use Luke to debug an index.  Keep in mind, the  

current port model that we have for Lucene.Net keeps the API  

one-to-one in sync with Java Lucene; just upper case method names.   

Yes, it's not fully .NET'es, but if you are looking for a search  

engine that is compatible with the open source search engine standard,  

and it is available in C#, Lucene.Net is it.


5) Beside making the port simpler, and per point #3 above, doing a  

line-per-line port, and maintaining API naming as well as the  

algorithm and file format of Java Lucene in C# Lucene means a Lucene  

index created by Java Lucene is usable, concurrently, by C# Lucene.  I  

have worked on one such project where a Java and C# code accessing the  

same index.  I'm not too interested in making Lucene.Net .NET'es and  

end up adding more risk to the project.


6) If anyone wants a different flavor of Lucene.Net, the code is on  

Apache, just fork it and start a new project.  Make it more .NET'es,  

use the latest that .NET has to offer, and all.  However, until when  

you have first hand experience with the port, and a good knowledge of  

Lucene and search engines, and the cycles to work on it, I really  

don't want to exercise this idea it will die as I know few folks have  



7) I can't speak for the other committers or those who contributed,  

but for me, I do this totally during my own time.  Each hour I spent  

on Lucene.Net is an hour away from my family or anything else.  I  

don't get paid, and I hardly get much off my Luene.Net work on the  

side.  As you may know, I was active with Lucene.Net till about early  

this year, (I had a family emergency).  I want to step up again, but  

we need more participation than just an offer to help or request  

divergence from the goal of the project, per the points that I made  



I can go on, but the above are to clarify some of the issues and  

background of Lucene.Net.  Please keep those in mind when thinking  

about this project and how you can contribute -- especially comments  

about making Lucene.Net more .NET'es -- can't start that till when you  

first achieve commit-per-commit port of Java Lucene to C# Lucene.


If you agree with the above, and it makes sense to you, my suggestion  

is as follows:


1) Lucene.Net goes back into incubation and start all over again.

2) Start with cleaning up the webpage and make it more like other  

Apache project site.

3) Put together an official Lucene.Net 2.9.2 and get it released.

4) Start working on the next port.


#2, #3 can happen right away, and all that it takes to do them is  

coming up to speed on how-to using existing Apache documentation.  Who  

is up to this task?


#4 is a bit more complicated.  I don't want to go through the port  

pain that I had with 2.9.0 -- it was too much.  JLCA that comes with  

VS 2005 is out of date; I would love to try out a newer version from  

www.artinsoft.com, but it is $$.


I hope the above helps and I have not offended or discouraged anyone  

as it isn't my intention.  I just want to clarify few things about  



PS: One final point.  Look at CLucene, NLucene and few other variation  

of Java Lucene ports that were done at Lucene internal level with the  

goal of maintaining language look feature and look-and-fell, such as  

C++, those projects are either way out of date in terms of release  

version support or offer only partial support (index read only).  I  

don't want to use this to bad mouth another project, but to make a  

point that porting is hard if you diverge from the core.  As is,  

Lucene.Net is not dead, it's slow and needs contributors who will  





-- George

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