UnaccentedWordAnalyzer doesn't make use of stemming.

If you really need it;
a) SnowballAnalyzer is not good in turkish stemming.
b) It is better to write a custom analyzer using Zemberek or its .NET
version NZemberek.


-----Original Message-----
From: asmcad [mailto:asm...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2010 11:24 PM
To: lucene-net-...@lucene.apache.org
Subject: Re: need some help =)

i need turkish analyzer. my lucene book says i need to use 
SnowballAnalyzer but i can't access to it as 
Lucene.Net.Analysis.Snowball should i install another library to use it?

On 17.11.2010 21:12, Granroth, Neal V. wrote:
> You need to pick a suitable analyzer for use during indexing and for
queries.  The StandardAnalyzer you are using will most likely break the
words apart at the non-english characters.
> You might want to consider using the Luke tool to inspect the index you've
created and see who the words in your documents were split and indexed.
> - Neal
> -----Original Message-----
> From: asmcad [mailto:asm...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2010 3:06 PM
> To: lucene-net-...@lucene.apache.org
> Subject: Re: need some help =)
> i solved the problem . now i have non-english character problem.
> when i search like something "çşğuı"(i'm not sure you can see this)
> characters. i don't get any results.
> how can i solve this ?
> by the way sorry about the "content" messing =)
> thanks  for the  previous help  =)
> On 17.11.2010 20:16, Digy wrote:
>>      1.
>>         using System;
>>      2.
>>         using System.Collections.Generic;
>>      3.
>>         using System.ComponentModel;
>>      4.
>>         using System.Data;
>>      5.
>>         using System.Drawing;
>>      6.
>>         using System.Linq;
>>      7.
>>         using System.Text;
>>      8.
>>         using System.Windows.Forms;
>>      9.
>>         using Lucene.Net;
>>     10.
>>         using Lucene.Net.Analysis.Standard;
>>     11.
>>         using Lucene.Net.Documents;
>>     12.
>>         using Lucene.Net.Index;
>>     13.
>>         using Lucene.Net.QueryParsers;
>>     14.
>>         using Lucene.Net.Search;
>>     15.
>>         using System.IO;
>>     16.
>>     17.
>>         namespace newLucene
>>     18.
>>         {
>>     19.
>>         public partial class Form1 : Form
>>     20.
>>         {
>>     21.
>>         public Form1()
>>     22.
>>         {
>>     23.
>>                      InitializeComponent();
>>     24.
>>         }
>>     25.
>>     26.
>>         private void buttonIndex_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
>>     27.
>>         {
>>     28.
>>                      IndexWriter indexwrtr = new
>>         IndexWriter(@"c:\index\",new StandardAnalyzer() , true);
>>     29.
>>                      Document doc = new Document();
>>     30.
>>         string filename = @"fer.txt";
>>     31.
>>                      Lucene.Net.QueryParsers.QueryParser df;
>>     32.
>>     33.
>>     34.
>>     35.
>>         System.IO.StreamReader local_StreamReader = new
>>         System.IO.StreamReader(@"C:\z\fer.txt");
>>     36.
>>         string  file_text = local_StreamReader.ReadToEnd();
>>     37.
>>     38.
>>         System.Text.UTF8Encoding encoding = new
>>     39.
>>                      doc.Add(new
>>         Field("text",encoding.GetBytes(file_text),Field.Store.YES));
>>     40.
>>                      doc.Add(new
>>         Field("path",encoding.GetBytes(@"C:\z\"),Field.Store.YES));
>>     41.
>>                      doc.Add(new Field("title",
>>         encoding.GetBytes(filename), Field.Store.YES));
>>     42.
>>                      indexwrtr.AddDocument(doc);
>>     43.
>>     44.
>>                      indexwrtr.Optimize();
>>     45.
>>                      indexwrtr.Close();
>>     46.
>>     47.
>>         }
>>     48.
>>     49.
>>         private void buttonSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
>>     50.
>>         {
>>     51.
>>                      IndexSearcher indxsearcher = new
>>         IndexSearcher(@"C:\index\");
>>     52.
>>     53.
>>                      QueryParser parser = new QueryParser("contents", new
>>         StandardAnalyzer());
>>     54.
>>                      Query query = parser.Parse(textBoxQuery.Text);
>>     55.
>>     56.
>>         //Lucene.Net.QueryParsers.QueryParser qp = new
>>         QueryParser(Lucene.Net.QueryParsers.CharStream
>>         s).Parse(textBoxQuery.Text);
>>     57.
>>                      Hits hits = indxsearcher.Search(query);
>>     58.
>>     59.
>>     60.
>>         for (int i = 0; i<   hits.Length(); i++)
>>     61.
>>         {
>>     62.
>>     63.
>>                          Document doc = hits.Doc(i);
>>     64.
>>     65.
>>     66.
>>         string filename = doc.Get("title");
>>     67.
>>         string path = doc.Get("path");
>>     68.
>>         string folder = Path.GetDirectoryName(path);
>>     69.
>>     70.
>>     71.
>>                          ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(new
>>         { null, filename, "asd", hits.Score(i).ToString() });
>>     72.
>>                          item.Tag = path;
>>     73.
>>     74.
>>         this.listViewResults.Items.Add(item);
>>     75.
>>                          Application.DoEvents();
>>     76.
>>         }
>>     77.
>>     78.
>>                      indxsearcher.Close();
>>     79.
>>     80.
>>     81.
>>     82.
>>     83.
>>         }
>>     84.
>>         }
>>     85.
>>         }
>> thanks

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